Example sentences of "in [noun pl] of [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 This leaflet is available from your local Health Education Unit see in telephone book under Health Authority or in cases of difficulty from :
2 Despite Government counter-claims that this increase is due to 1986 changes in definitions of accidents from minor to major and fatal categories , all the increases can not be accounted for by the redefinition .
3 Considerable changes in alcohol treatment policy have taken place , marked in particular by a shift from specialist to community care ; an increased role for the voluntary sector and primary health care ; and a change in definitions of alcoholism from theories of disease to concepts of problem alcohol use .
4 Eyssen et al , Huijghebaert et al , and Pacini et al previously confirmed the absence of bacterial desulphating activity on 7-monosulphate esters of bile acids but the presence of such desulphatng activity on 3-monosulphate esters in cultures of faeces from humans , rats , and mice .
5 The sharp carving of the seer 's locks ( fig. 125 ) archaic in tradition , is precisely paralleled in the Apollo ( whose beautiful head is not , as I have carelessly asserted , cut from a separate piece of marble but is one with the body ) ; while the marvellous smoothness of the Cladeus ( fig. 128 ) is found on the west in the heads of Theseus and particularly of the bride , and in heads of Herakles from metopes at both ends .
6 N face of a massive increase in imports of urea from the Eastern bloc in 1986 , the UK and the European Community ( EC ) fertilizer industries complained of unfair competition to the EC Commission .
7 The finding of 5-ASA metabolites identical to those formed by the reaction of 5-ASA with the hydroxyl radical in extracts of faeces from patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with sulphasalazine , but not in those with rheumatoid arthritis also receiving the drug , suggests that ROM scavenging is a clinically important mechanism of action in inflammatory bowel disease .
8 The way in which the coinage circulated can be deduced from the proportions in hoards of coins from different mints .
9 Improved microscopic methods and new synthetic staining materials from the German chemical industry made it possible to see the parasite in films of blood from malarial patients .
10 In conditions of transition from one dominant mode of production to another , the bureaucracy must be disproportionately rewarded for its support to a dependent political leadership .
11 The comparative detachment of non-executives is an advantage , given their lesser personal investment in predictions of benefits from particular courses of action .
12 and was to do with what the rights would be erm in terms of benefits and in terms of compensation from the council when they moved out .
13 Wordsworth took the materialist philosophy of Locke and Hartley which had sufficed the eighteenth century , and changed round the terms , writing in positive instead of negative signs Instead of a dead universe described in terms of machines from which the Creator had departed , he proposed a living universe called ‘ Nature ’ described in terms of growth and organic life , which was being continuously created by a God who was inextricably involved in all its parts Whereas in Locke the mind at birth was ‘ a white paper ’ , with no innate ideas , in Wordsworth the mind retains in early childhood some consciousness of a pre-existent state ; in Locke the mind passively receives impressions from the senses , but in but in Wordsworth the mind actively perceives and a creative power within the mind organizes the multitude of chaotic sense impressions into a partial picture of the world .
14 Salinas visited Portugal , the United Kingdom , West Germany and Belgium in late January 1990 when he expressed the concern that the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe should not disadvantage Latin American countries in terms of aid from West European countries and from the European Communities .
15 In terms of feedback from the report , primary teachers seem to have had most and secondary teachers least .
16 But in terms of investment from here , it does n't face much of a future ’
17 ‘ But , in terms of investment from here , it does n't face much of a future .
18 In product-costing Kaplan tends to emphasize cost-drivers in terms of outputs from activities , e.g. number of set-ups .
19 Yeah yeah certainly , erm I think that 's er that 's good , well if , if you can , if you can access it er in some way informally or , or , you know , it 's probably un unlikely that you 'd get too much stuff in writing as you say but , you know , er it could be very er productive and interesting erm tt erm can that sort of thing , particularly if you can get it in terms of quotes from people , you can sort of , you know , make a project look quite nice because it looks like if you do all this , you know , sort of stuff with the attitude scales it , it 's er it gives you lots of nice numerical data but er
20 Surprisingly given that it was chosen for closure , Banstead proved the more viable of the two hospitals in terms of admissions from the catchment area .
21 Sure , you can sketch in bits of influence from early Siouxsie , Kate Bush , Sinead O'Connor , Patti Smith , but she steadfastly refuses to fill in the picture .
22 Then I let her warble on for a while about the trials of high office , and feign interest in titbits of gossip from the upper echelons .
23 I am heartily sick of reading letters in Points of View from folk whingeing on and on about how nasty the English are and how they are colonising Scotland .
24 Variations in numbers of additions from one cylinder to another are to be expected .
25 Such gains should show up in receipts of profits from the investments made abroad .
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