Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun pl] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 The reforms were , however , strongly opposed by a section of the Green Party , which in broad terms viewed them as a betrayal of the movement 's roots and as a " sell-out " to mainstream political methods .
2 These tiny grooves , over time , redeposit accumulated bone minerals in concentric layers to release them in a fluid state into the bloodstream when needed in a hurry , say when a violent spurt of activity is needed .
3 However , because of the potential for error if the wrong terms are used in a particular transaction , it is probably better to have only one set of terms , and draft in appropriate provisions to allow them to be used for both consumer and business transactions , unless the client can keep its consumer and other business wholly separate .
4 On the early levels the tiles are offered in obvious pairs making them easy to vanquish , but as you progress tiles are offered in odd numbers , forcing you to bring three together simultaneously .
5 The digestive system of the cat is less successful in this respect and often fails to break down the dangerous elements in ingested substances to make them harmless .
6 The French control Iles Kerguelen , Crozet , Amsterdam and St Paul , and lease specified fishing rights to Soviet and other fishermen in circumscribed zones surrounding them .
7 Aquatic birds that spend much of their time in water , well insulated by fat and waterproof plumage ( Figure 6.1 ) , are pre-adapted for life in cold lands ; the insulation of marine mammals in temperate seas pre-adapts them for polar seas .
8 Furthermore , this identification of modernity with life in industrial societies contrasts them with all preindustrial societies ( both in a historical sense and in those countries of the Third World that have barely been touched by industrialism ) .
9 Its significance in 1422 lay in the way it questioned whether birth was a sufficient warrant for high military office , or whether the responsibilities of leadership in war time should only be accorded ( and it was the king who accorded them ) to those whose experience and reputation in military affairs merited them .
10 In particular women discovered they were treated with rare attention and understanding .
11 The Cairo Summit in 1964 described foreign bases more forcibly as ‘ a threat to freedom and international peace ’ , strongly condemned the ‘ expressed intention of imperialist powers to establish bases in the Indian Ocean ’ , and called upon ‘ all states maintaining troops and bases in other countries to remove them forthwith ’ .
12 Experience in other areas suggests they are complex , time-consuming and expensive to introduce .
13 If other Victorian novelists do not set fire to their great houses with as much frequency as Dickens , they tend in other ways to undermine them , suggesting that they too perceive them , not merely as fabrics , but as expressions of an outmoded system .
14 The most obvious way of preventing cracks from spreading in brittle materials is not to use them in tension , in other words to use them in compression .
15 As we shall see in Chapter 8 , the only way to make thermosetting plastics reasonably tough is to incorporate fibres of one kind or another , in other words to use them in a composite material .
16 In other words do they assume that biological or cultural categories are unproblematic ?
17 I have to consider is that evidence correct as far as they are concerned , in other words do they believe that this is what Mr. Winterbone was like ?
18 The store manager said he would motivate subordinates in the following ways : offering praise , incentives , providing re-training , and finally a quiet talk if nothing else succeeded ; in other words threatening them with dismissal .
19 Blockhouses were built in the fields , and sometimes the cattle were kept in fortified compounds to protect them from raiders .
20 By virtue of the Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971 the recipient of unsolicited goods is entitled in certain circumstances to treat them as unconditional gifts after six months from receipt , or 30 days from notice to the sender , so long as the sender does not in the meantime take possession of them and the recipient does not unreasonably refuse to permit him to do so .
21 In the West African republic of Liberia where eighty five per cent of the population have been displaced , children , some as young as eight are being placed in secure compounds to prevent them from going back to fight for the waring factions .
22 Namibia has raised the prospects of an end to the culling of seals next year , if tourists come in sufficient numbers to view them .
23 That explains why any attempt to place Minimalist sculptures in the landscape or in urban sites reduces them invariably to homeless objects .
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