Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In order to alleviate the fears and objections associated with the movement of large tankers in narrow waters a radar navigational system covering the deep water channel from the Fairway Buoy of Inchkeith Island to the Forth Bridge came into operation on the 1st September .
2 In low conditions a shingle bar is visible between the old and new bridges .
3 They are the years , roughly , of British industrialisation and urbanisation , so this work is in broad terms an examination of various aspects of the regulation of sexuality within the period of industrial capitalism .
4 A TEENAGER was repeatedly stabbed by a masked man in a busy area in broad daylight a year ago .
5 It is not said , however , that at around the same time in Georgian England a woman , Angelica Kauffman , had arrived on the London art scene and was proving remarkably successful as a portrait painter .
6 In Spanish eyes a quality lamb is a British reject .
7 In rural Serbia a form of local self-government , based on the zadruga , the extended family often comprising all members of a village , kept alive the traditions of Serbian culture and religion .
8 The paper set out in diagrammatic form a view of the factors causing an urban underclass ( see Figure 4. 1 ) .
9 Secondly , share-pushing raised in acute form a problem which bedevils much of civil law .
10 In due course a hotel in Suceava had reported that two English tourists had failed to return .
11 A gift of £250 from Sir Alan 's will went towards the making of tennis courts , and in due course a Trust Fund was established , of which the School has been a great beneficiary over the years .
12 It must be likely that in due course a parent company in the UK will be legally responsible for the debts of at least its wholly owned subsidiaries unless , perhaps , it files some sort of public disclaimer .
13 Paris alerted Croydon , where both planes were due to land and in due course a pilot went up from Croyden to guide him down .
14 In due course a motion " That it is satisfactorily proved to this Conference that the intermarriage of deaf and dumb is conducive to their happiness and there is no reason to fear injurious results there from " , was carried by a majority of twenty-four to two .
15 The accomplice becomes an enemy , and in due course a victim , at which point he can only salute the irony of his being executed on All Souls , Day : ‘ This is the day wherein I wished to fall/By the false faith of him whom most I trusted ’ ( V.i .
16 In due course an Application for Planning Permission will have to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority .
17 And you just poured the water in top press a button and you get draught lager and they have now produced I believe , er it was network marketing , and I was n't involved I did n't want involved in network marketing and it now produces gin and tonic vodka lemonade .
18 In high season a variety of specialist restaurants are available ( opened at the managements ' discretion ) at no extra charge but do require a reservation .
19 Sometimes in social psychology a concept is created to describe a novelty of experimental procedure , and sometimes to accord scientific pretensions to a well-known truism .
20 In residential homes a couple who want to live together and express themselves sexually have in the past received ridicule if not hostility , instead of facilitated support .
21 Then after ten weeks in residential care a family meeting was planned .
22 In historical periods a loss factor of about 2 per cent per annum is known to have occurred ; compounded over a period of as long as a century , this will clearly drastically reduce the amount of coinage of year a available to the hoarder at the later date .
23 " All trading barriers within Europe are being removed by 1992 , and as Europe-wide environmental concerns grow , we believe there is an opportunity to offer WWF members in different countries a range of high quality products , which cause the least possible harm to our world and its resources , " says John Wilkinson , Head of Consumer Fundraising at WWF-UK .
24 There is intrinsic interest in these skills and they exemplify in different ways a family that includes speech production and certain industrial activities .
25 They took with them the word ‘ Tabernacle ’ which came to mean in architectural terms a building in rectangular shape , with a Greek temple frontage outside and inside , little decoration and preaching in the conservative , earthy , evangelistic and Calvinistic tradition .
26 In medieval times an effigy of the saint was met and escorted into the town by crowds of people , but this was frowned upon at the time of the Reformation and the effigy was replaced by a man dressed in white robes .
27 On the one hand , we must use all possible means to regain old markets , to , open new ones up , and to encourage international trade on the basis of the division of labour ; and on the other , we must endeavour to awaken in British industry a spirit of joint endeavour … .
28 There was the Engineer Officer , in civil life a garage proprietor , who lined up his wooden aeroplanes on the tarmac every morning and had them well hosed down .
29 In civil cases a precondition to any appeal from the Court of Appeal to the House of Lords is the obtaining of leave from either the Court of Appeal or the Appeal Committee of the House of Lords , which consists of three Law Lords .
30 But still , it would be satisfying if he ever experienced in future years a tinge of regret that he had not appreciated the potentialities of the young schoolgirl he had coached with such distressing kindness .
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