Example sentences of "in [art] way that i " in BNC.

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1 He answered prayer not in the way I sought , Nor in the way that I thought he ought , But in his own good way , and I could see , He answered in the fashion best for me .
2 Wilson had to trot briskly , to keep up with his wife ; and he trotted responsibly , because there was no doubt that he was proud of his charge — tall and upright as a Grenadier Guard as she was , and issuing instructions in the way that I imagine a Grenadier might , so that when they were at home her voice would sometimes float right up the road and into our garden , ‘ Wilson !
3 Those who were nervous and struggling with their own feelings did not want to expose their gayness in the way that I had done .
4 I dislike them in the way that I dislike Pre-Raphaelite things .
5 First of all , it might be argued that there is no reason why the man should treat the woman , in fantasy , in the way that I 've described .
6 I also took care to make this little scene , in the way that I have described , appear to be part simply of an illustration of the appalling character of the Maharajah .
7 Erm I have obviously , there 's a generation gap here in the way that I was brought up , and the way that I started marriage thirty years ago .
8 Whether it 's a will whether it 's an intestacy the survivor takes because the survivor can deal with it , in the way that I 've described .
9 There is also a need for the associated amendments to the Treaty of Rome not only to guarantee the sovereignty of the nation State but also to reform the institutions of the EEC — especially the Commission and the Court of Justice — in the way that I have proposed .
10 Many announcements made by the Home Secretary are moving in the way that I have always wanted it to move , and I believe that er , in Wiltshire this will have a very positive effect .
11 Yes erm but I do n't think I 'll ever again buy expensive Christmas presents in the way that I did in the past .
12 whatever your , your in it , and look after it , yes , erm well I do n't think I 'll ever again buy expensive Christmas presents in the way that I did in the past .
13 Well , I move rapidly from these dispiriting erm thoughts erm to say something about the third and last point , the question of memory , because even could the artist recreate , in the way that I 've tried to suggest , through an awareness of time , and through a , a rejection of the intellect , even if he could recreate in this way reality present to him in time , how is he to make contact with the past ?
14 A thousand needs that I 've spent most of my teenage years pretending do n't exist , and when they 've made themselves felt , so strongly that I ca n't fail to be aware of them , I 've crushed them , trying to control my appetite and cravings in every way that I know , fighting a pointless and endless war against myself .
15 Apart from that , I had said more or less what I wanted to say in a way that I thought Belinda could not fail to admire .
16 ‘ Since the reorganisation , ’ says ICI 's Richard Freeman , ‘ we as a company have had tremendous support from the DTI , in a way that I ca n't remember in the past 10 years . ’
17 I found myself questioning many of their beliefs in a way that I would not have dared to do at the beginning of the study ; I could question them in their own terms and in doing so , test the boundaries of their beliefs .
18 For instance , it 's perfectly obvious that what I was trying to do for my clients was patch up their lives and their relationships in a way that I 'd been unable to do for my parents .
19 For Robert Thornton , Mrs Gaskell 's honourable industrialist , this indifference is almost a matter of principle : ‘ The masters would be trenching on the independence of their hands , in a way that I , for one , would not feel justified in doing , if we interfered too much with the life they lead out of the mills . ’
20 ‘ You are not of that opinion ? ’ enquired Lili , her head tilted in a way that I was beginning to be familiar with .
21 I am not making pedantic points when I refer to all those complexities and difficulties which are now beginning to bite in a way that I find worrying .
22 I 'm thinking about marketing my services on quality and relating to customers in a way that I 'd just begun to think of before but now it 's come right to the front .
23 Now as part of an annual goal which is to run some public courses later on in the year , erm , I 've broken that down in a way that I may go through later , to things that I have to do on , on a month by month basis , and this month I need to create the mailing list .
24 They 've all got a vision about their listeners , their viewers , their readers and so forth , and when they pick something , a press release , or when they hear a story or something like that , their mind 's going click click click ‘ How can I use this in a way that I can turn it into a form which is usable for my people ? ’ in a sense .
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