Example sentences of "in [art] [noun pl] that [be] " in BNC.

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1 The value of meditation is as much in the thoughts as in the emotions that are aroused .
2 Sometimes the political ambivalence about a policy is reflected not so much in the policy itself as in the constraints that are set upon the implementation process .
3 Further , land inside the older towns was acquiring a scarcity value , above all in the towns that were surrounded by open fields , so that they could not grow outwards ( see Chapter 9 ) , and a steady rise in the price of land for building was added to the rise in the price of borrowed money .
4 I mean there 's not really one in the flats that is suitable really .
5 Due to world-wide excitement about the amazing medicinal properties of tea-tree essence ( Malaleuca alternifolia ) , the Brazilian government is seriously considering a massive planting programme of the species , which is native to Australia , in the wastes that were once rainforests .
6 Erm the fruits of that work will be revealed in the decisions that are made er later on today .
7 They wanted opportunities to participate in the decisions that were going to affect their country 's future .
8 Will he locate the naval support command , which would be ideally suited for Portland , in the premises that are then vacated ?
9 It was a stunning sight , and as I lay idly in the boulders that are reputed to have fallen 1600 metres and half a mile from the South Face of La Meije to the Chatelleret , I thought of the climb to come and let the daylight drift over me .
10 They are geographically isolated , and they are grossly under-represented — two out of 400 — in the committees that are supposed to be the nucleus of a future Palestinian self-governing authority .
11 The decisions that are made also help to determine the kind of people who will eventually live in the houses that are built and therefore the nature of the village community .
12 In the finances that are being made available , is there anything to continue the concessionary fuel arrangements ?
13 The big stocky figure of Benny Hogan in her strong shoes and tightly buttoned sensible coat , the waif-like Eve in the clothes that were always too long and streelish on her .
14 Had Kenneth Grahame known about seaplanes when he wrote Wind in the Willows that is what Toad would have said .
15 And in the circumstances that was pretty difficult and —
16 Each chapter in the main section of the book will conclude with an interpretation of the values involved in the views that are discussed .
17 Nearly as many women died too , in a sense , as spinsters and widows of the lost generation in the decades that were to follow .
18 The priest could n't have looked more relieved if he had completed a mission to those that dwell in the waters that are below the earth .
19 It 's best run full screen , as well , since running it in a window seems only to give you a partial view of the full-screen image , and no scroll bars appear to allow you to see what 's happening in the bits that are n't shown .
20 The agricultural future lay with cattle-raising ( the cow or the pig was the only cash product of the small farmer and was sold , to pay his taxes , in the markets that were the centre of Galician social intercourse ) , and this could not develop until railways brought the market centre of Lugo into contact with the mass consumption of Madrid and Barcelona .
21 Study 5 was thus conducted to allow some quantification of the actual information contained in the stimuli that were used in Studies 2 and 3 .
22 ‘ That was an explosive quality , an urgency in the films that was exciting to write about .
23 George Bosworth , Director of Newcastle Polytechnic , thought that those who advocated a form of education in the polytechnics that was different from that in the universities had been ‘ singularly uncommunicative on the nature and extent of the difference ’ .
24 There is up and down this country a crisis in the regions that is exacerbated by the British Government over additionality .
25 It 's gone into us , and we 've done it 's here that 's looked at it properly , and walked through the trees and even looked at every marking in the trees that were gon na come down .
26 And luck , a commodity the spirited teenager had never been short of , played a crucial part in the events that were to set her on the path to millions .
27 He inclined his head , and the gesture should have seemed courteous , yet Charity was struck by a certain mockery in it , and in the eyes that were narrowed on her face with unrelenting and not totally flattering interest .
28 The argument runs something like this , whether in the territories that were once Yugoslavia or the islands that will one day no longer be the United Kingdom : since the state mainly belongs to them , we others are excluded , and therefore want to seek to establish our own state .
29 And do you remember You must remember sort of changes in the chemicals that were you know , that was used on the land in the in the time that you were .
30 Those left behind after the turmoil at our printers are , it seems , coming to enjoy their new work , despite numerous shortcomings in the computers that are supposed to make their lives easier .
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