Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] over a " in BNC.

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1 Development from the 2-cell stage to the late 8-cell/early 16-cell ( morula ) stage ( Figure 1 , panels 16 22 ) occurs in the oviduct over a period of approximately 47 h .
2 The results of the pilot programme ( based on the ability of the mothers to recall what they had been taught two weeks previously ) were so promising that BRAC launched a programme to teach the method of preparing LGS to every household in the country over a period of about ten years .
3 After the grubs have eaten extensive ‘ galleries ’ in the wood over a period of years , with the resultant dust being emitted in bun-shaped pellets , the larva enters a pupal stage lasting three to six weeks and emerges as a fully grown beetle .
4 She has not seen him since half past six , when they met in the kitchen over a salami sandwich .
5 They were sitting in the kitchen over a cup of tea .
6 We then passed beneath a ranch fence : Parque Nacional Torres del Paine , it announced , and in the distance over a range of low brown grasslands were the sharp spires of a dozen oddly-shaped mountains , twisted and contorted and coloured like no other mountains we had ever seen before .
7 He had proved that he could maintain his force in the desert over a considerable length of time , which by air supply could easily be extended .
8 A CRUNCH meeting tonight will determine the next moves in the battle over a prestige North-East sporting venue .
9 The Environmental Protection Agency has authorised the storage of only 8,500 drums in the cavern over a five year test period .
10 Since , in equilibrium , the aggregate demand for goods and services will be equal to the rate of national income ( which measures the total value of goods and services produced in the economy over a given time period ) , we can expect a direct relationship between the aggregate demand for labour and the rate of national income .
11 ( I had resorted to kneeing a Frenchman in the face over a biscuit the day before . )
12 A serious problem has emerged in the area over a period of months , and a series of reports have been issued , concluding with a report by the National Rivers Authority on effluent that is poured into the lagoons at Grassmoor 40,000 tonnes of it a year .
13 DAVID PLATT received a ticking-off from Graham Taylor last night for keeping the England boss in the dark over a knee injury which threatens to prevent him playing against Turkey next week .
14 The clothes were boiled in a copper over a wood fire , rubbed up and down on a wash board , then squeezed through a hand-turned mangle .
15 ‘ Thoroughbreds will always be able to catch up in a race over a long distance .
16 Melt the chocolate , coffee essence , butter and honey together , either in a bowl over a pan of water or in a microwave cooker .
17 Heat the chocolate until melted , either in a bowl over a pan of water or in a double saucepan , or in the microwave for about 2–3min on 100% power .
18 1 Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water .
19 Place chocolate and butter in a bowl over a pan of simmering water and heat until melted .
20 Break up the chocolate and put it in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water .
21 Place the pieces of broken chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water .
22 Melt chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water .
23 Whisk the eggs , sugar and vanilla essence in a bowl over a pan of hot water until the mixture holds a trail .
24 Place them in a bowl over a pan of simmering water .
25 Melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl over a saucepan of hot water .
26 Mix cheeses. melt plain chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water .
27 A TOP boss of the German Daimler-Benz firm is quitting his £300,000 a year job in a row over a neo-Nazi flag .
28 A TOP boss of the German Daimler-Benz firm is quitting his Pounds 300,000-a-year job in a row over a neo-Nazi flag .
29 A CUSTOMER superglued his arm to a shop counter yesterday in a row over a three-piece suite .
30 They were left bleeding and bruised in a row over a stolen bamboo shoot at a council estate in Camberwell , South London .
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