Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] that was " in BNC.

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1 Former South Liverpool and Marine defender John said : ‘ I was in the clip that was shown on TV and it brought back a lot of memories .
2 He washed his face in the perfume that was her love for him .
3 This act left him with an interest in the company that was for most practical purposes worthless since the previous practice among the three member-directors had been to take the money out of the firm in the form of directors ' fees rather than shareholders ' dividends .
4 I retreated from this scintillating conversation and helped Oliver and Cathy clear up in the kitchen , and shortly before eleven we slid to a halt in the port that was halfway across Canada on some rails parallel with but a little removed from the station buildings .
5 No not , not , not erm in the scheme that was identified by the consultant I believe .
6 It had its posh end and it had its rough end and it had that strange indeterminate bit in the middle that was neither , but had the pretensions and failings of both .
7 In the half-light that was not yet day , roadside trees could conceal could even be — the dreaded pursuers , caught up with him at last .
8 Sir David , who first emerged as a television personality 30 years ago in the radical That Was The Week That Was , added : ‘ It really is a great honour , something I never expected , ’ he added .
9 Well , that was all right — she could look after Mum in the hour that was to follow while the identity of the body was established , and in all the grim hours after that , if the body was her sister .
10 The ballroom was now immaculate , its inlaid decorative wood floor gleaming , all the facets of the chandeliers sparkling in the sun that was permitted to stream through the clear glass of the French windows .
11 Easy though it is to criticize Positive Images ' theoretical short-comings , the fact is that this was almost the only group in the country that was addressing these issues at all .
12 All this has happened in the country that was first to reap the benefits of radical reform .
13 Most of the pellets were already broken up , and it was the bone assemblage accumulating in the soil that was collected .
14 It was cooler and very quiet in the wood that was tangled with old huge trees .
15 Another page in the manuscript that was Jack Lawrence .
16 But that was quite early in the marriage that was .
17 The Williamses installed a window in the kitchen that was made from a genuine cartwheel with glass specifically cut to fit between the spokes of the wheel .
18 They were , which was , well it was quite useful really because er you , you know you had to be , you were called out to a case suddenly er there was always somebody just to make sure you had n't left any food you know in the kitchen that was going to grow whiskers until you got back .
19 These culminate in the prayer that was also used at each Canonical Hour of the Cross and that brings to mind the glory , joy and life which was man 's birthright , forfeited at the Fall but renewed by Incarnation .
20 There is some truth in this , but not altogether in the sense that was there intended .
21 Looking in the mirror that was perched precariously on the windowsill , he combed back the hair that hung over his eyes .
22 And if I could enjoy the dream , how much easier for those who were born in Israel or Lebanon or Palestine — or for those who wished to live in the land that was Palestine — to believe in it .
23 This European — or , to be more exact , Euro-Christian — involvement in Lebanon was to be a recurring theme , facilitated by the fact that every community in the land that was to become Lebanon was a minority .
24 We 've never been in the winter that was whe I would n't know !
25 And in the circumstances that was pretty difficult and —
26 By the time of the Japanese coup on 9 March 1945 the US had already become an important actor in the play that was to determine the future of Vietnam .
27 The night after Sandy won he was in the marquee that was holding his celebration dinner , with his apron on cleaning up and wishing everybody would go so he could get some peace and quiet .
28 In the upheaval that was to come during the next 12 months , only the ECSC seemed to have avoided the scrapheap .
29 An example of the practical similarity between determinist and indeterminist positions occurred earlier in the difficulty that was encountered in identifying sociological ‘ invention ’ theories , such as anomie , as being in the deterministic , positivist tradition ( where writers such as Jeffery and Matza have located them ) .
30 She wanted to make Dan sound as good as possible and after some of the stunts he 'd played on her in the past that was difficult .
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