Example sentences of "in [noun sg] so that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I mean why is n't there a tremendous outcry , saying this must change , we can still have democracy , but let's have reasonable , sensible , working hours in parliament so that we can get more women into parliament .
2 I suggested that it might be a good idea to get it in midsummer so that I could get plenty of practice in before the skiddy weather set in , but he thought there might be too much tourist traffic going through the town and on the roads around it in the middle of the summer .
3 When applying for a place on a re-entry course keep the following questions in mind so that you can compare what is on offer to your own best advantage .
4 Alternatively , you could make the screens or shutters easily detachable and have one surface painted or covered in fabric so that you could ring the changes when you felt like it or have different ones for summer and winter .
5 Be with them in peace so that we may remain with our family and children in peace .
6 Leaving her in peace so that she could think , he stripped the cover from the BMW .
7 In December 1989 Greene postponed the beginning of Poindexter 's trial and ordered Reagan to provide the court with the documents in question so that he ( Greene ) could assess their relevance to Poindexter 's defence .
8 Bend the l.e.d. leads through a right angle and solder it in place so that it will protrude through the panel mounting clip when the circuit board is placed in the case .
9 One of the aims of Compact , however , is to encourage young people to remain in education so that they can acquire the skills and qualifications essential for participating in our increasingly complex society .
10 They are pale in colour so that they are more easily seen in the darkness .
11 The entries are always in pencil so that they can be easily erased should there be any cancellations or changes in the booking .
12 It seemed typical of Ianthe , the slightly school-mistressy touch of growing the bulb in water so that its white Medusa-like roots were visible .
13 Normally he hated making speeches , and liked to prepare one week in advance so that nothing could go wrong .
14 Ruth Rendell and others advise plotting your story carefully in advance so that you do n't get carried away by unnecessary detail or a minor character .
15 The woman told me that they normally like you to book a few days in advance so that you have some time to think it over in case you wanted to change your mind .
16 Intervention of that kind is justified only when the occasions of intervention have been announced in advance so that anyone who is listening will hear and understand .
17 Try telephoning the practice nurse in advance so that she will know your son or daughter 's name and make them feel welcome and special when you arrive .
18 The new rules place a statutory duty on anyone who wants to alter the genetic structure of living creatures in the laboratory — or to use such organisms after they have been genetically engineered — to notify the executive well in advance so that it can assess independently the safety of the proposed activity .
19 Please let me know at least two days in advance so that I can make other arrangements . ’
20 It also helps to brief the model in advance so that he or she is aware of what is involved and will bring the right selection of clothes or accessories .
21 A somewhat elderly man , with a solemn way ; but good at his job and pleasant ( in his solemn way ) in manner so that his practice flourished , and there were holidays abroad and private schools for Miss Hazelwood , whom , it was supposed , would also become a doctor .
22 On the other side of the rim I can see way over the savannah in the direction of the Mountain of God , which is reduced in size so that I ca n't be sure which of the outcrops on the horizon it is .
23 Some of the crew were against this because they thought they 'd get their watches stolen ( I ask you ) and some in favour so that they could get a closer look at the women ( I ask you ) .
24 The types of jobs provided may simply reinforce the marginal status of many of these workers , that is , maintain them in an essentially peripheral position in society so that their access to economic rewards , dignity , and power remain severely limited ( Scott , 1984 ; Larwood , et al . ,
25 As far as East Germany is concerned , no doubt Western Germany will take care of that now , er who could or would be able to do it for Poland Czechoslovakia , Rumania and the Soviet Union , is very much more difficult to see , and of course , if the West were to rebuild all their , all their factories , er and they were all modern , and with their cheap labour force , they would then com , almost completely er destroy our industry I guess in competition so that we would have a , that would be another problem I guess .
26 So like , there was me sort of all of a sudden wearing like old T-shirts and stuff in bed so that I 'd got quite high collars and mum was sort of going
27 In a bound book there is less chance of anything being lost — especially if you write in ink so that there can be no later alterations .
28 The horses ' hooves and the wheels of the cart were muffled in straw so that it seemed to glide like a terrible phantasm .
29 because erm , I know he had a lot , he 'd like try to buy everything in property so that he did n't actually have a lot of cash
30 ‘ I 'll be in touch so that we can arrange for C.W. to meet your men before Mobuto arrives tonight , ’ Kolchinsky said then picked up the transmitter on the desk and activated the door .
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