Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 But there are no easy ways of determining the actual role of women in decision making in the use of birth control .
2 During the summit , Heads of Government will decide whether the European regions should be given a greater role in decision making in the Community .
3 Yarrell is publishing the British birds quarto size — and about one thousand other niny tiny Works are in progress to assist in the mass of confusion already scattered over the World . ’
4 Clearly , then , externalization of this process may in part result in an undoing and reversal of that internalization of dependency on the lost , providential mother .
5 Colonic washout induced mechanical removal of intraluminal 5-ASA with a secondary disturbance in absorption resulting in a rapid decline in the serum concentrations .
6 The underlying cause may be the changes in agriculture described in the earlier chapters of this book , but the newcomers represent the most visible and tangible manifestation of a disruption of community life which would have occurred in any case .
7 There proved to be considerable confusion in terminology used in the responses of interviewees .
8 This was exactly the proportion of the tax in kind collected in the Roslavl' area up to November 1921 .
9 According to Soviet legal specialists in the 1950s and 1960s the conditions of this treaty determined the peacetime foreign policy of Afghanistan , ‘ which in essence differs in no way from a policy of non-alignment ’ .
10 In fact , more generally it has been shown that the most important single cause of violence in labour disputes in the USA during the early years of the twentieth century , involving at least 700 deaths and several thousand serious injuries , was the denial of union recognition for purposes of collective bargaining ( Taft and Ross , 1979 ) .
11 Five Democratic Party ( DP ) members of parliament ( MPs ) joined the African National Congress ( ANC ) and announced on April 21 that they would in future sit in the whites-only House of Assembly as independents ( the ANC not being registered as a political party ) .
12 He needed a minister with the strength of character , reforming zeal and awareness of technological opportunities to push through the changes in Defence policy that he had in mind to help in the consolidation of his political power .
13 Nelson and Key played together in punk bands in the late '70s until the latter went to Japan and was taken aback by Tokyo 's nascent Technopolitan revolution , with bands like Yellow Magic Orchestra taking the spirit of Kraftwerk into the 21st century .
14 Nelson and Key played together in punk bands in the late '70s until the latter went to Japan and was taken aback by Tokyo 's nascent Technopolitan revolution , with bands like Yellow Magic Orchestra taking the spirit of Kraftwerk into the 21st century .
15 The freedom of the Secretary of State to depart from the recommendations of the National Curriculum Council ( to which proposals on attainment targets and programmes of study must be referred ) , as in effect happened in the case of the history curriculum , stands in marked contrast to the restrictions binding teachers under the National Curriculum .
16 The first consists in demonstrating that the element in question participates in the same semantic contrast with a third element as a proven semantic constituent .
17 Yet while it may not be possible , in a given case , to come to a clear decision one way or the other , it can not , I shall argue , be coherently assumed that a decision is logically impossible and at the same time insisted that the object in question exists in an ontological sense .
18 Blacks ' recent involvement in sport began in the 1950s and continued spasmodically through the next two decades , intensifying as the 1980s approached ; in the spheres in which they opted to compete , many achieved excellence .
19 It is reflected in two themes that he stressed then , in work reported in the influential set of three papers appearing in the Journal of Speculative Philosophy in the late 1860s .
20 Another example of lingering pollution taboos in Catholicism lies in the ban on including women in the Holy Thursday ceremony of the washing of the feet .
21 Those who work in intelligence live in a very bizarre world totally removed from normality and very often morality too .
22 Much of Britain 's current economic mess is due to the surge in home borrowing in the late 1980s , much of which was spent on things other than houses .
23 In 1927–28 , the Cambridge and Ipswich Tutorial Classes in Biology participated in a six-talks broadcast on The Problems of Heredity given by Mary Adams , then tutor to the Cambridge branch .
24 The late Marguerite Yourcenar was also an admirer of Proust and she relates the history of her mother 's family in Dear Departed in a way which recalls Proust 's fidelity to our actual thinking about the past and to the sheer coincidences by which past and present can seem to illuminate one another .
25 Er and so er although in security struggles in the event of war we find er that these wars tend to become total wars , and we 've had two of these in the present century , historically speaking in recent times we had another one , anyone know what it was ?
26 But the shift in focus involved in the journey south did not necessarily reposition the directors who had once rediscovered northern grime into a world which they could explore with sympathy and understanding .
27 Corporate approaches had their origins in business thinking in the United States of America , were implemented in large multinational corporations in the 1950s , and eventually found their way into public sector thinking in Britain in the late 1960s .
28 Precisely the same union in disgrace happens in the series to the Mistress , as we saw in discussing 138 : ‘ Therefore I lie with her , and she with me , /And in our faults by lies we flatter 'd be . ’
29 This participation is demonstrated in several articles , including ‘ Combating inequality ’ on page 11 , which describes how the involvement of local communities in community mapping in the West Bank and Gaza Strip has been an essential part of the process .
30 You know they 're on brown rings with little little tiny screw screwed in metal rings in the brown things ?
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