Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although the party had secured only 8,360,000 votes compared with the 8,664,000 who voted Conservative , it had won most seats in parliament and it became inevitable that it should form a second minority government , once again relying upon Liberal Party support to keep it in office .
2 ‘ It helps to be a woman and I can exploit that when it suits because there are so few women in Parliament and it concerns a lot of people .
3 It happens in religion and it happens in politics .
4 Chesarynth was drowning in light and it had a message .
5 The easiest is ‘ Wanda ’ with large purple-red flowers for many weeks in spring and it has a hose-in-hose version .
6 Already the tanks ahead were in action and it seemed as though they had made contact with , and destroyed the majority of the enemy flank guard .
7 They had looked to be a one-pace crew in practice and it seemed as though they had no answer to Oxford 's attack .
8 His appearance in the Toyota World Match Play at Wentworth in October was his 17th in succession and it gave him the chance of winning the title for a record sixth time .
9 Her shoulders sagged in defeat and it became clear to the watching man that she accepted their veracity .
10 The kind of limitations imposed by restrictions of full-time caring are not normal to someone in midlife but it takes courage to change the pattern once the need to be restricted has passed .
11 However erm one thing I think that 's got to be borne in mind and it picks up a point that erm Leeds have made , is that they 're looking towards trendy migration , they say .
12 This standard was developed with commercial accounts in mind and it confirms the view that depreciation is a matter of allocation , not of valuation ; though in recent years it has become acceptable to allocate revalued amounts .
13 Moreover , these major faults tend to be discontinuous and curved in plan and it seems that main boundary listric faults alternate along rift valleys and are separated by transfer faults ( Fig. 4.10 ) .
14 Free to roam , there was a free market in morality and it did n't matter what choice was made , everything continued to end happily .
15 We carve moulds in wood and it takes a craftsman with a spokes have a day to do each one .
16 The problem is one which can not ultimately be resolved in pedagogy but it needs to be recognized , not in negative terms as a licence either for imposing fixed ideas or for random expediency , but as a positive incentive for continuing enquiry , which will be sensitive to the circumstances of different learning/teaching situations .
17 Bins in town and it cost her twenty quid !
18 This brought the first laughs in court and it ended the day 's proceedings .
19 For years , the Tory Government has gone on about freedom of choice in education but it has only been those with money who have had any real choice .
20 Its trading account is substantially in credit and it has no overdue or significant trading debts .
21 Overall , the TRRL Urban Safety Project has some similarities to the six German model city schemes in that it is specifically area-wide in scope and it does attempt an appraisal of a variety of schemes .
22 Mr Christopher 's speech had been planned well in advance but it had the effect of underscoring US support for the Russian president as he battled with hardliners in parliament .
23 It generates interest in Apple and it sells hardware .
24 Patrick Standun 's book ‘ Lovers ’ has on its cover a priest and a semi-naked woman in bed and it opens with a character using a sock for purposes he claims he learned from ‘ The Dark ’ .
25 The uncles had looked after her when she was young , then her professor and Hans Kramer and Busacher had begun her on her career , and then she had fallen in love and it had all gone wrong .
26 Sarah had been surprised at Mrs Fitzgerald 's calmness but Anne told her that her mother and Maureen spent every possible moment in church and it seemed to comfort them .
27 Erm , I 've always been interested in housing and it did appear to me that however delightful Harlow may be , when the architects were designing properties , they designed a property without any consideration for the people who were to live in them .
28 It did , however , provide that the Agency , through investigation , could help to ensure that employers promoted equality of opportunity in employment but it did not provide that employers had a duty themselves to promote equality of opportunity in employment .
29 It 's HVS in summer and it feels like it in winter , too , as I shiver upwards to join Steve at the stance : a misnomer if ever there was one — just room enough for four front points on an edge .
30 Literally this was not so , since the emergency procedures of the Civil Contingency Unit were kept in being and it felt able to cope with almost every dispute other than that of council grave-diggers .
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