Example sentences of "in [pron] it [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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31 One area in which it has been widely used is agriculture .
32 Drawing on a notion of autonomy which originates with Kant , and which is developed in the writings of Hegel and Marx , Assiter extends this notion and criticises the way in which it has been confined to the public sphere .
33 It is because of this historical dimension to the religion that those arguing ( for example ) for the ordination of women apparently find it so difficult to say , in the way in which it has been possible to maintain in the sphere of politics , that we hold these truths to be self-evident , that all human beings are created equal and must not be discriminated against .
34 Their big airy dining-room overlooks the river , their delicious pâté of Rouen duckling cooked with port is brought to table in the gigantic old terrines in which it has been baked , their hors-d'oeuvres are always fresh , well chosen , original and beautifully served , ducks and chickens are roasted on a spit in the old Norman fireplace in the kitchen .
35 For it will set aside a conviction whenever it appears unjust or unsafe to allow the verdict to stand because some failure has occurred in observing the conditions which , in the court 's view , are essential to a satisfactory trial , or because there is some feature of the case raising a substantial possibility that , either in the conclusion itself , or in the manner in which it has been reached , the jury may have been mistaken or misled .
36 ‘ Now if the defendants were bound to charge the plaintiff for the carriage of his goods a less sum , and they refused to carry them except upon payment of a greater sum , as he was compelled to pay the amount demanded , and could not otherwise have his goods carried , the case falls within the principle of several decided cases , in which it has been held that money which a party has been wrongfully compelled to pay under circumstances in which he was unable to resist the imposition , may be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
37 In each appeal reliance was placed upon a series of cases in which it has been affirmed that where the liberty of the subject is in issue , the proper procedures must be strictly observed .
38 The defence has been considered in a number of recent cases in which it has been held that it is to be applied in a flexible and pragmatic way .
39 Their provision has , in any case , varied considerably between different parts of the country , and , because of the precise way in which it has been implemented , the Act has done little to increase the opportunities for rural recreation among the more deprived sections of the urban population .
40 This has been an introductory chapter in which it has been suggested that students do not need to delve deeply into the debate about the definition of the field of study of social policy .
41 It should be clear by now that this is n't the fault of desktop publishing , merely of the way in which it has been implemented .
42 This is the form in which it has been adopted in Czechoslovakia .
43 Whilst the New South Wales scheme may be criticised for the curious distribution of conduct between the first three categories of sexual assault , it is less fair to condemn it , as some commentators have done , because of the way in which it has been judicially interpreted .
44 The cases in which it has been held that , under certain circumstances , a consideration insufficient to raise an implied promise will nevertheless support an express one , will be found collected and reviewed in the note ( a ) to Wennall v. Adney ( 3 Bos. & Pul .
45 What I have tried to say — namely that writing is not governed by the subjective intentions of its author , that ideas do not exist independently of the language which ‘ expresses ’ them — has ( inevitably ) been partially contradicted by the manner in which it has been said .
46 They will not complain if they believe that their property is worth more than the band in which it has been allocated .
47 However , I am confident that the European Community will continue to progress in the direction in which it has been driving — and rightly so — for the benefit of all our citizens and citizens on the mainland of Europe .
48 I shall , of course , establish whether we can use elements of the legislative battery that is available to us in a different way from the way in which it has been used until now .
49 However , there have been two modern instances in which it has been invoked by private individuals as part of a vendetta against their journalist-tormentors .
50 In considering the liability for such unsafe products , the court must take into account the manner in which it has been marketed , its " get-up " and any warnings and instructions supplied .
51 This is the detached voice of reason judiciously intervening without allegiances into a debate in which it has been for the most part silent.3 The intervention reinforces the distinction between what Proust 's text does to itself and what de Man does to it , positioning him with the reader at a critical distance from , and therefore in shared judgement of , his own argument .
52 Like you I am a member of the managing board for the D S O. Erm , and erm , like you I 'm sure that erm , you would like to repeat your words , that you said then about heralding this report and it 's successes and reminding the members and th of the public , and members of this county council the real benefits from maintaining erm , our D S O and from the erm the way in which it has been managed and the way in which the amalgamation is working there .
53 The opening ceremony represented Courtaulds ' opportunity to rededicate itself to a business in which it has been a world leader throughout most of this century …
54 These are in addition to applications in the detergents field , in which it has been used for many years .
55 For three hundred years , until around 1934 , Faversham was a major centre of gunpowder manufacture , and one of the former factories , Chart Mills , was saved from demolition in recent years by the Faversham Society , when the area in which it stands was being cleared for a new housing estate .
56 Misunderstandings arise because of what 's been said and the way in which it 's been interpreted .
57 It 's been made even more humiliating by the circumstances in which it 's been done like public rape .
58 Can I just come back Chair , and I recognize obviously there is er , further work that 's going on with this and support that it does , but there is a case with the Parliamentary Ombudsman in discipline on this at the moment , so on the way in which it 's been handled by the Ministry .
59 I would n't discuss what we would do , but the commanders are quite clear what their instructions are , er they 've acted extremely efficiently today , and er obviously I 've kept in close touch with the incident while it was happening , er I 'm very pleased with the way in which it 's been handled , and in fact both incidents .
60 It does mean that the way in which the case has been handled , the way in which it 's been approached , the cooperation between various departments in a particular office , has been done properly , and if the client has the opportunity of winning , he will win and not lose by sloppy work in his solicitor 's office .
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