Example sentences of "in [pron] he [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 This autocratic structure , combined with the military style in which he managed it , aroused the hostility of some members of the Free French community , as well as members of the British and American governments .
2 Ms Armstrong also disputes Mr Fallon 's claim in a written reply to a Parliamentary Question , in which he said it has been the policy of successive governments to refuse funding for church school expansion when there was room in non-church schools nearby .
3 The real criticism of Mr Pound is not to be directed against his theory as such , but rather at the hasty headlong fashion in which he presents it , at the logical confusion of his intellect when it is not performing the task which is specifically his own , that task being poetry .
4 After other speeches condemning Ian Paisley , Terence O'Neill rose and delivered a long statement in which he made it clear that he regarded the defeat of Ian Paisley as a central part of his reforming Unionism .
5 The hon. Gentleman seems to be totally ignorant of and unable to adjust to President Yeltsin 's announcement in which he made it absolutely clear that our determination to maintain a minimum deterrent is no obstruction to the determination that he and President Bush have to reduce the nuclear arsenals of the super-powers .
6 Merely said , ‘ I understand that he is a worthy young man , quite unlike Rourke , or Havvie Blaine , and I think from what he says , and the manner in which he says it , that he cares deeply for you .
7 Noah 's statement and the manner in which he delivered it took Arnold Peck aback , but he said haughtily , ‘ I 've never heard of you , sir . ’
8 However , Hayzen 's matrix may again be interpreted rather differently from the way in which he suggests it should .
9 First , he must regain support abroad , stop the economy from re-entering the tailspin in which he found it and reconquer the two-thirds of the country lost to an undeclared civil war , without driving new recruits into the arms of the guerrillas .
10 A mineral undertaker can not however , be required to put the land to any specific use after extraction has been completed , but where practicable , he can be required to leave it in a condition comparable to that in which he found it .
11 He is clear about our management of our own economy in the future in the way in which he sets it out .
12 President Gamul Abdel Nasser had dissolved the organization after a failed coup attempt in Alexandria in which he claimed it was involved .
13 For the benefit of those who would suggest that section 2(1) ( b ) shows that appropriation is something which can be done with the consent of the owner , I would paraphrase that provision by saying ‘ if he appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other 's consent if the other knew what he had done and the circumstances in which he did it . ’
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