Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun sg] for it " in BNC.

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1 Yes , if you look at it in a certain light , as those philosophers are apt to who go on to say that there must ( 286 ) have been more than the sentence in my mind for it to be the case that I meant such and such .
2 Opinion on the McSharry plan has been sharply divided with organisations dedicated to small and medium sized farmers joining with environmentalists in their support for it while leading figures such as the Minister for Agriculture , John Gummer have been loud in their opposition .
3 The majority of the National Executive did not go as far as Marchbanks but warned several of the leading participants in the Petition campaign that disciplinary action would be taken against them ( as against Cripps ) if they continued in their support for it .
4 Many fear that this first reduction in hours will mean an increase in the intensity of their work and a fall in their remuneration for it .
5 When the Peel Commission proposed partition in 1937 , Abdallah was virtually alone in the Arab world in his support for it contingent , however , on the incorporation of the Arab portion into his Amirate .
6 Religion can not be divorced from morality in his view for it is belief in an ordered moral government of the universe and when we lose our basis in morality we cease to be religious .
7 Media is all-invasive and , some would say , all-persuasive , but it has a fundamental and significant role in our life for it forms a communication network between communities , between industry and industry and between government and people .
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