Example sentences of "in [pron] [pron] were [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , calculi returned in all 12 patients in whom they were removed .
2 The lift was an elegant gilded birdcage in which they were borne slowly upwards in a repressive silence .
3 However , young women were also often very critical of the way in which they were treated differently to young men .
4 A substantial number of prisoners participated in the riots ‘ at least in part , because of the conditions in which they were held and the way in which they were treated .
5 But the context in which they were voiced by Lord Woolton was the much wider concern about the nutritional status , and hence the efficiency and morale , of the whole population — in other words , arguments of utility rather than social justice ; unequal shares would have meant starvation for some — hardly the best recipe for a united war effort .
6 Nothing could more clearly have demonstrated the realities of the situation than those three words , and the tone in which they were said .
7 There were no obvious differences between the studies in the way in which they were conducted which could account for the wide range of rates of dream reporting from NREM sleep .
8 They could be seen in constant arguments in every European court , as in the past , about the relative positions of diplomats on formal and even informal occasions , their placing at table at meals where more than one was present , the precise way in which they were conducted to their first audience with the ruler to whom they were accredited , when and whether they stood or sat at such audiences , the precise moment when they or the ruler removed their hats , and a variety of such tremendous niceties .
9 Up to 65 protesters were reported to have been burned to death when security forces set fire to a shopping centre in which they were seeking refuge .
10 This has been highlighted in two lines of decisions in road traffic cases where the plaintiffs ' damages have been reduced , even though they in no way caused or contributed to the accidents in which they were injured .
11 Acting styles changed too , as did the plays in which they were exhibited .
12 He banned many of their rites and their passion plays and he forbade women to wear in public the cahdor , the long , black seamless garment in which they were covered from scalp to toe .
13 The accounts provided in this chapter of the development officers ' work will have shown already the breadth of activities in which they were involved : assessing , visiting and supporting clients and their families ; recruiting , training and supervising support workers ; negotiating with other service-providers .
14 Only because it is assumed that if people understood the system in which they were involved they would not put up with it , and it would not go on .
15 The sugar plantations and the slaves on them were the first British overseas investment of any size , at a time when investment of this sort was unusual , and in several eighteenth-century wars the British fought to defend this property , though it was not a central cause of any of the wars in which they were involved .
16 Does Schüssler Fiorenza mean that one is inspired by these women , although the religion in which they were involved is sexist ( in which case one is inspired to act against the biblical God ) ?
17 Throughout the project , all the pupils understood the process in which they were involved and were able to make significant choices and exert control , both individually and collaboratively .
18 On 16 October , the judge rejected the submissions and on 17 October , the appellants , together with three co-accused , changed their pleas to guilty of handling in respect of each of the transactions in which they were involved .
19 The dependency perspective focused attention on this unequal relationship between , on the one hand , mighty TNCs and the powerful home countries that looked after their interests all over the globe and , on the other , the relatively weak and powerless Third World countries in which they were involved .
20 Whilst at one time the personal characteristics of children , and the circumstances in which they were received into care , set them apart from other children not admitted into care , the norms of family life for children inside and outside of public care could no longer be regarded as so different from each other .
21 The organisation of the Latin office of the Church at the Canonical Hours evolved from a complex tradition of teaching which found justification for these hours of prayer in both Old and New Testaments of the Bible ; and a general pattern emerged in which they were connected with the Passion narrative .
22 Confirming that his men had been robbed , Granada News editor Mike Spencer said : ‘ There was an incident involving the soundman and cameraman , in which they were robbed .
23 Territorial boundaries seem also to have been tacitly adhered to , and it was usual , especially in London , for funeral furnishers to limit their operations to the confines of the parish in which they were situated , and though many of the late eighteenth-century trade cards include the words ‘ Funerals performed to all parts of Great Britain' , it is doubtful that this offer was ever taken up .
24 Field , day and residential services changed to an integrated line management structure , so that all day and residential services were managed through the Neighbourhood Office in which they were situated .
25 One participant reported half empty rooms in sessions dealing with the ‘ new art history ’ of semiotics , gender , and dialogue , and unexpected demand for more traditional object-related sessions , crowding out the smaller rooms in which they were scheduled .
26 It was positively dangerous because it involved the Jews in a game in which they were bound to be discredited .
27 Subjects heard sentences from four different sets , in random order , and after a distractor task , were given a forced-choice recognition test in which they were given both sentences they had originally heard and new sentences which were constructed either by combining information from within a set , or combining information from different sets .
28 In Attorney General v Squire , it was held that obnoxious odours from pigs kept by the defendants , and arising from the number of animals , the place in which they were kept , and the food with which they were fed , were such as to create a public nuisance , and in Attorney General v Cole and Son noxious gases created by the defendant carrying on the trade of fat-melter were also held to be a public nuisance despite the fact that the defendant had carried on his trade , in a proper manner and in the same way for 30 years .
29 The rest will be given or sold to the public , while those works for which a home can not be found or which have been damaged beyond repair by the years of neglect and the atrocious conditions in which they were kept , will be destroyed in a bonfire .
30 During the brief periods in which they were separated they corresponded .
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