Example sentences of "in [art] case [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She recollected fast and said there had been a development in the case during the evening .
2 Then there is the woman question , which arises in the novel in a fashion which sets us wondering , as in the past and as in the case of the above encounter , which parts of the bad behaviour on display Amis quite or largely likes .
3 Doubtless some protestant paramilitaries — though there have been fewer religious persons among them than in the case of the provisionals — hold to similar religious understandings of the necessity of violence under certain circumstances .
4 In the case of the Mother and Child scheme , it was rather through withdrawal from the scene that first the politicians and later the churchmen avoided further trouble .
5 But in the case of the Kohanim this was waived .
6 All of these services are electrically hauled between Glasgow ( Carstairs in the case of the Edinburgh trains ) and Birmingham New Street where diesel locomotives take over .
7 Though not so revolutionary as to require years of testing and modification ( and run the risk of ultimate rejection as in the case of the Advanced Passenger Train ) .
8 The seven PTAs — Sir Peter Parker called them ‘ The Magnificent Seven ’ — have been the driving force behind scores of new initiatives to improve rail services by building new stations — often replacing ones closed by Dr Beeching — restoring passenger services to freight-only lines and , incredibly , in the case of the West Yorkshire PTA actually purchasing their own trains !
9 In the case of the human body , that steady field is the Earth 's magnetic field .
10 In the case of the overhead power lines , unless we think in terms of screening power lines , which seem uneconomic , or using normal closely wound cable forms , as used underground , the most appropriate , but drastic , remedy is to adopt a new standard frequency for power generation and supply , such as 100Hz .
11 Over the past 20 years the Department of the Environment , its Property Services Agency , English Heritage , the Queen 's household and , in the case of the Tower of London , the military have run the palaces together — with the success normally associated with widely-drawn committees .
12 Or , in the case of the GMB general workers ' union , backing an alternative federal grouping of ethnic minority organisations .
13 In the case of the last round of the Young Cook of Britain competition , to be judged on 17 October , regional finalists were asked which famous person they would like to cook for .
14 The strong tactics have paid off in the case of the prison officers , who went back to work last week , but there is increasing concern on how to deal with the tax collectors .
15 The wave of acquisitions has been prompted by expansionist desires among the overseas financial groups , which see opportunities to increase market share and provide themselves , in the case of the acquisition of insurance companies , with new marketing and product design arms .
16 IN THE EDWARDIAN world in which Patricia Cockburn grew up , writes James Pettifer ( further to the Obituary by Richard Ingrams , 9 October ) , there were rational certainties : the family bank , as an Arbuthnot ; the Empire , as a source of employment and , in the case of the grandparents , huge wealth from China ; and within the Empire , the natural world , as something to be explored , revered , loved .
17 In the case of the RUC it is essential to reflect on the problems that arose in the research .
18 In the case of the RUC , domestic disputes are routinely attended for reasons other than law enforcement .
19 The restrictions on that country 's course of action are therefore less powerful than in the case of the Japanese example above , and its future behaviour is less suited to accurate prediction .
20 Provincial market towns , in 1922 as throughout the Soviet period , collected the first rural tide of those looking for work — peasant vagrants , demobilized soldiers , and in the case of the Smolensk area , flax-workers out of a job as their industry began to decline after the boom of the war years .
21 In the case of the famine of 1921–2 , a sudden alteration in the agricultural setting deeply affected , not just the local peasantry , but all the other provinces of European Russia and the very basis of the economic and political calculations that had led to the introduction of the NEP in the first place .
22 It is , as I noted at the time , a peculiar fact that most laymen who have had responsibility for the health service have interested themselves personally to a preponderant extent in the case of the mentally afflicted , both the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped .
23 This third National Government , like the Conservative-Liberal Unionist coalition of 1895–1905 , was the type of coalition government with which British history is much more familiar : a coalition between one major party and a fragment from another which has broken off because it disagrees with one of its parent party 's central tenets — in 1886 Home Rule , in 1931 unwillingness to reduce unemployment benefit on the part of Labour and unwillingness to tamper with free trade in the case of the Liberals .
24 Both these mountainside systems had been developed as a response to communities being forced by hostile forces ( the Masai in the case of the waChagga , and the Nguni in the case of the waTengo ) to live in a restricted area .
25 Both these mountainside systems had been developed as a response to communities being forced by hostile forces ( the Masai in the case of the waChagga , and the Nguni in the case of the waTengo ) to live in a restricted area .
26 In the case of the World Bank , this proportion was as high as 30 per cent of total loans to Africa approved in 1988 .
27 In the case of the Asiatic mode of production the source of the information which led him to introduce this new type of society is well documented .
28 An overall difference of impression between Marx 's notes and Engels 's book is that in the case of the notebooks Morgan 's framework is totally subordinated to Marx 's wider concerns , while in Engels 's book we get the impression that Morgan , for great chunks of the book , actually takes over Engels .
29 In the case of the work of the Mexican Alberto Gironella , the reason would seem to be precisely because of his insistent concentration on art of a very different category — that of Spain during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , particularly court portraiture .
30 In the case of the postal orderly , his sixty situps must be on a cumulative basis .
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