Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1970s neither Nixon nor Ford nor Carter could be said to have passed the ‘ classic test ’ .
2 Needless to say , this has never been the case , although in the 1960s much excitement was temporarily generated by what appeared to be a relationship between the possession of an extra Y chromosome and persistent crime ( see Hall Williams , 1982 , Chapter 2 ) .
3 Right , see you in the six o'clock news er spot .
4 Thirdly , we 're trying to make sure that children who can best benefit by foster care , er do get foster parents , and we 've had a big er initiative this last twelve months , you probably know about , and that 's paying off , and we hope in the future only children going into residential homes who need residential care will get there .
5 The guiding light in Lewis 's life then went with her son to speak to the pupils of Bellahouston Academy and visit a retail development on the outskirts of Glasgow before he rounded off his day in the male only setting of the St Andrew 's Sporting club by watching Scotland 's Kris McAdam fight .
6 Two important non runners there in the twelve fifty , number seven Far Senior and in the two o'clock number thirteen the I would n't say old timer but Panto Prince anyway shame he 's not going to get a run .
7 In the first ever referendum of its kind , voters in Amsterdam have supported a proposal to ban cars from the city centre .
8 In the first ever issue of Practical Fishkeeping , December 1978 , we listed the top 25 community fish .
9 It was the turn of ‘ The Workers ' Party ’ from Dublin to capture the headlines in Belfast on 27th February last in the first ever IBOA National 10-Pin Bowling Tournament .
10 In the first clutches nearly all the capsules appeared to contain developing embryos , in the second only 10% and in the third , none at all ( Palmer , 1984 ) .
11 I made it clear in my 1985 Opus article and in my 1988 Early music article 3 that ‘ Metronome marks for the slower minuets also appear in the twelve earlier Mozart symphonies Czerny edited . ’
12 The TV put out my name in the nine o'clock bulletin , and by ten they 'd added a picture .
13 She turned away , leaving Peggy standing stiff and cold , although the sun was shining and it had been in the seventies all day .
14 The C-terminal portion of region 1 , poorly conserved in the related IE proteins of the α-herpesviruses , was also included in our expressed peptide ; the role played by these additional residues is not fully understood but deletion analysis on the 140k DNA binding domain found them to be necessary for the production of a clear DNase I footprint but not for binding in gel retardation assays ( see below ) .
15 The explorers celebrate deep in the Antartic just months away from tragedy .
16 Manchester was unlucky to be in the strongest ever field of candidates for an Olympic Games , Jim Knight I R N Tokyo .
17 As you may have heard in the seven o'clock news , three British hostages are now on their way home from Iraq , after being freed from jail in Baghdad .
18 Bob Geldof 's initiative resulted in the biggest ever sum of money being wrung out of the haves on behalf of the have-nots ; in itself and in isolation an admirable achievement .
19 But it was only near the end — and especially in the last fortissimo outburst at about 6'09 ’ in track 6 — that I missed sheer volume .
20 And the BBC Good Food Show is giving away 50 pairs of free tickets in a simple TODAY competition .
21 Edward 's hopes of the crown had vanished before the gates of Rheims , but he was still in a strong enough position , with Ring John as his prisoner , to insist on a final solution to the problem of Aquitaine .
22 Now if you 've planted a seed or if you have n't planted a seed then are we in a strong enough position there to ask about the people we dis we discussed on completion of the er first appointment ?
23 But , although she smiled briefly at Folly in a friendly enough way , she seemed too distracted to wait for an answer , and started to usher them inside .
24 They had parted in a friendly enough way , promising to see each other from time to time , but Jenna very much doubted if it would ever happen .
25 As well as Sunday 's League match , there is an Italian Cup tie the following Wednesday for Gazza to prove he 's in a good enough condition to make some contribution against Norway .
26 Here we talk to former teachers , old friends and relatives in a special TODAY investigation to discover what lies inside the tortured soul of Sinead .
27 It said all that needed to be said in a clear enough manner .
28 Suffocated and uninspired by their hometown , Shake shook themselves up , hopped over to London , grabbed themselves a new moniker and , like , got their heads together in a chaotic kinda way .
29 He had started off in a modest enough way as a schoolboy like so many others — but at a time when education had not yet become compulsory ; what he did have was both the brains and the parental support to turn his flair for learning to good effect .
30 Charles Frederick was the odd one out in this respect — his feet were far too itchy to allow him to settle down into any sort of domesticity , and he would prove the fact in a dramatic enough way by sailing off around the world as soon as the opportunity presented itself .
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