Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Between 1950 and 1960 the Indianapolis 500 was included in the championship but it was rare for a European Grand Prix driver to compete in the race , and vice versa .
2 This order , as its name suggests , was developed as a richer example than the Corinthian , but it is only in the capital that it differs materially .
3 The Somerset captain would have been quite within his rights to have declined to play after 6.30 in the chance that it might rain hard enough on the third day to prevent any play .
4 And Iran is as unpopular in the West as it has ever been .
5 It is possibly true , and though the challenges presented to the Western bishops on the nature of the Church ( Donatism ) and about grace and free will ( Pelagianism ) were serious enough , theological debate rarely seems to have aroused the same passions in the West as it did in the East .
6 Debt earns interest just as easily in the West as it does in the Third World .
7 Try to imagine , if you will , the ferocity of the reaction in the West if it had been Saddam Hussein who had poured napalm down on Kurdish villages three weeks ago !
8 This belief in ‘ independence ’ is well entrenched in the West and it has developed out of a general mistrust of centralized political power and of power that had historically not tolerated the free expression of dissenting views .
9 The appearance at Fairford is the first time they 've appeared in the west and it 's a matter of immense pride to them .
10 Denis had sat downstairs in the sitting-room while it was going on , praying fervently to the Child of Prague , or was it to Uncle Mick , to protect his little European wife from all her pain and bring her safely through .
11 ‘ He always wants candles in the sitting-room when it 's dark , even though he 's blind . ’
12 There was a lot of straw in the mattress and it had been filled recently so that it was pleasantly responsive .
13 Thorny presents sugar lumps in a plastic bowl and smiles ; she expects something sinister in the smile but it is guileless .
14 He looked small in the crush and it was some time before the order got through .
15 The next three shops was which was a er he become I think in the finish but it was a toy shop and then you came to er the fruiters , on the other side of Street , and you came down to er little pawnshop .
16 Its shares shot up 10 p.c last week and the company , Portugal 's largest quoted stock , is hoping to ride the tide of interest in the escudo when it launches a sale of shares and convertible bonds later this month to raise $300m of new capital .
17 ‘ There was plenty doing in the smithy when it was only horses on the farms .
18 It was our first time in the saddle and it had daughter , 11 , champing at the bit for more .
19 Avoid flailing the vegetation in the gaps in the hedges because it prevents natural regeneration .
20 They 're singing gold-rush songs at the tops of their voices in the dayniter and it 's a wonder they have n't all rocked the train right off the rails , with the noise and the booze . ’
21 The exercise of these powers can not be successfully challenged in the courts unless it can be shown that the Home Secretary has acted unreasonably or perversely .
22 But when such circumstances do arise , questions with respect to the appropriate procedure to be followed in requiring drivers to provide specimens of blood or urine have given rise to some difficulties in the courts and it is to the resolution of those questions that this appeal is directed .
23 GLEB would be paid back with shares in the company when it was floated , and be given a say in the structure of the company .
24 Football has not played as great a part in the company as it has in previous years .
25 Or in the case whether it changes or not , are not printed .
26 And if some , er , jus it was very thin slices of beef , topside of well I thought I 'll get some beef out , and I did it in the microwave and it cooked but it was it was quite tough .
27 Now the beer is ready for the final stage in the brewery before it leaves for the pub cellar .
28 ‘ We do n't want to be caught up in the rush when it comes . ’
29 I think there are perhaps one or two who are very , very aware and are making their own life uncomfortable about it , but I think they 're so much in the minority that it 's the other lot that we should be worrying about .
30 I had the odd George II and George III copper , but these were in the minority and it was the 17th century coinage that was popping up with some regularity .
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