Example sentences of "in [adj] there be a " in BNC.

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1 The traditional bow was a wooden longbow , but in 1948 there was a revolutionary innovation when the steel bow appeared at a Scorton shoot .
2 It is not necessary to examine each of these cases here , but sufficient to note that in each there is a disposition which is plainly a legacy sub modo yet which is subsequently described by the jurist as a trust .
3 It seemed that while both the crowd and adolescents had within them potential for good , they also had a destructive or anarchic potential ; in each there was a conflict , what Urwick had likened to Jekyll and Hyde .
4 In 1971 there was a sense of self-confidence about both the Shah and his government , But , as Persepolis itself showed , it was a mood that was beginning to degenerate into unreal arrogance .
5 When I wrote it in 1971 there was a postal strike , so I took it up to the BBC personally .
6 Erm the caravan sites act nineteen sixty eight er , paragraph fifteen did actually , I think address the provision government sites quite well , or it would have if it had actually been properly implemented in that there was a carrot and stick , there was stick or requirement
7 But until changes in the registration of women 's occupation were introduced in 1986 there was a major difference between men and women : ‘ At the registration of the death of a child … the instructions to the registrars specify that the occupation … of a woman should not be recorded unless she has been in employment for most of her adult life . ’
8 In 1986 there was a major debate about whether Westland Helicopters should be allowed to merge with the US helicopter giant Sikorsky , or whether it should be forced into a European partnership .
9 Firstly , in 1986 there was a reform of Federal Insurance tax ; congress dropped tax credit for individual contributions .
10 In 1986 there was a public-sector deficit ( PSBR ) , which therefore had the effect of increasing the money supply .
11 In " The Stent Book " in 1796 and again in 1801 there is a resolution suppressing distilling because the nation is threatened by famine .
12 In this there is a kind of truth ( for Tolkien was kind-hearted about things like the ‘ evacuation ’ of Minas Tirith and the survival of Bill the pony ) , but also an evident falsehood .
13 In this there is a parallel , by no means fanciful , with the motor car — surely the only product that might challenge TV 's claim to have made the greatest difference to most people 's daily lives between 1945 and 1990 .
14 In this there is a much more ambiguous and open positioning of the subject .
15 In this there was a concerted movement " — is misleading , and is in fact contradicted by the map ( Figure 7.2 ) .
16 Under the Constitution as revised in 1972 there is a Legislative Assembly with 12 elected and three official members , while the Governor and Executive Council ( comprising three official members and four elected by and from the Legislative Assembly ) are responsible for internal administration .
17 In 1972 there was a general agreement that major services , apart from housing , could not be provided economically and efficiently by units with less than 250,000 people .
18 In 1571 there was a Law ‘ Every male person not possessed of 20 Marks rental should wear on Sundays and Holy Days when not on travell a wooden knit cap on pain of forfeiting 3s. 4d. a day . ’
19 In 1985 there was a double objective for a rally I did with Ernie Guy for the American Bar Association in the Royal Albert Hall .
20 In 1985 there was a demand through area committees for the public adoption by the CAB of an anti-racist policy .
21 In 1985 there was a distinct rise in children killed whilst working .
22 For nearly a century and a half after the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 there was a tendency for the ratio of casualties to total numbers engaged in West European wars to fall and for that of prisoners to dead and wounded to rise .
23 In 1544 there was a full-scale onslaught on France , in which the English took Boulogne .
24 In 1979 there was a Luddite terror of new technology on the shop floor .
25 When Einstein 's centenary came along in 1979 there was a flurry of publishing activity .
26 In 1979 there was a multiplicity of 315 , mainly small , unions organising a total union membership of less than 3 million employees .
27 When Scottish Power and Scottish Hydro were launched in 1991 there was a big response from Northern Ireland , but I 'm sure it wo n't be reciprocated .
28 However , it seems that the earliest documentary evidence for any of the ancient herds is from the seventeenth century : in 1692 there is a record of ‘ wild white beasts ’ , twelve of them with red or black ears , in Northumberland at Chillingham , and in 1634 ‘ wild beasts all white ’ were recorded at Bishop Auckland park in Durham .
29 Health and hygiene were also cited , with special reference to women s " future usefulness as wives and mothers " , These arguments had already been well rehearsed in France , where in 1862 there was a major strike by the Paris compositors against the employment of women .
30 However , in 1984 there was a remarkable change of opinion in favor of what are called string theories .
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