Example sentences of "in [adj] the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 George had told him in private the reason for Sarah Butler being packed off to Leeds , and he had realised then that her infatuation for George was an obsession .
2 And erm I think it 's a little bit of creative accountancy on their part in saying that and in fact putting that five hundred thousand elsewhere , and also they have erm done a further piece of creative accountancy in that the provision for pay and price increases they have reduced by one point five million , and the combined budget reduces it by half that figure .
3 In 1980 the Ministry for the Walloon Region decided to reopen the site with assistance of the Centre for Archaeological Research of Liège University .
4 He had neither remained discreetly silent , nor had he made any attempt to explain in public the reasons for his resignation .
5 Insofar as Kuhn recognizes the role played by a paradigm in guiding the search for and interpretation of observable phenomena , he accommodates most of what I have described as the theory-dependence of observation in Chapter 3 .
6 In 1985 the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development estimated that there was a shipment of waste every five minutes , 365 days a year .
7 In 1990–91 the budget for this programme was £3.1 million .
8 In 1975 the figures for Ireland were 282 cases of gonorrhoea and 45 of syphilis .
9 In 1960 the candidates for the first time debated on television , and politics began an almost metaphysical transformation : the external world was miraculously reconvened as powdered images upon America 's internal screen .
10 Through it , government addressed for the first time the issue of the long-stay population in all the institutions for elderly , mentally handicapped and mentally ill people .
11 The Organisers shall effect insurance covering the above- mentioned risks in such sum as shall be adequate in all the circumstances for the benefit of the Organisers and the University .
12 ( 4 ) It is hereby declared that a person shall not be entitled to rely on the defence provided by subsection ( 1 ) above by reason of his reliance on information supplied by another , unless he shows that it was reasonable in all the circumstances for him to have relied on the information , having regard in particular ( a ) to the steps which he took , and those which might reasonably have been taken , for the purpose of verifying the information ; and ( b ) to whether he had any reason to disbelieve the information .
13 You do not need to type in all the dates for yourself — the spreadsheet will do it for you .
14 In all the negotiations for the march and the meeting the police had been co-operative .
15 There is , however , plenty of help in the documentation and the QuickStart chapter guides you through creating your own first presentation and if you do not want to bother with typing in all the data for yourself the file for this presentation , QSTART , is available for inspection .
16 The Cirque de Gavarnie , be it known , is even more today what it has long been , the place in all the Pyrenees for tourists .
17 But the economic and social prescriptions of Beveridge and Keynes seemed increasingly unable to reverse either economic decline or deal with the " crisis of welfare " which in 1981 the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) forecast for Western nations in the run-up to the next century .
18 Mr Justice Morrit held that the first payment of £4,000 on 30 January together with the monthly sum of £1,000 by banker 's order was not enough to discharge in full the invoice for January 's work by the accountants , which was £5,307.25 .
19 In 1987 the target for the commercial sectors was a 2.7 per cent operating profit on net assets by 1990 .
20 In general the jobs for which temporary workers were used were relatively low skilled .
21 The working of such administrative procedures as include the holding of an inquiry or hearing by or on behalf of a minister on an appeal or as a result of objections or representations , and in particular the procedure for the compulsory purchase of land .
22 To whom in particular the blame for this disaster should be attributed , it is for someone in the ministry with all the facts at their fingertips to determine .
23 However , they also accepted the case for major change , in particular the case for an internal or quasi market within the NHS ( see Chapter 3 ) .
24 First , the Act required LEAs to delegate important responsibilities to the governing bodies of all but the smallest schools and colleges , in particular the responsibility for managing a school 's budget and setting its own spending priorities , and for appointing ( and dismissing ) members of staff .
25 Scottish Chambers of Commerce regarded the Budget as a good one for business , in particular the help for exporters , the freeze on business rates and the additional assistance to small businesses .
26 ( vii ) If the court reaches the point of weighing the social needs in issue , first that of securing to the council the effective means in law of protecting its reputation and , secondly , that of protecting the right of free expression of the people of this country , the court should hold that the remaining remedies for the council , if it could not sue for libel , and in particular the action for malicious falsehood , would not be a sufficient protection for the council 's reputation , and the ability of a local authority such as the council to sue for libel would not improperly or unnecessarily restrict free expression .
27 Sadler was no doubt thinking of the climate of opinion in which his inquiry was conducted , in particular the movement for ‘ National Efficiency ’ which questioned not only the principle of voluntaryism , but also the apparently redundant individualism of late nineteenth-century Liberalism .
28 The educators at home and at school are on their guard , wary of , yet understanding their secrecies and confidences , and in particular the need for such youngsters to take risks as they strike out towards independent adulthood .
29 Much of what follows , and in particular the need for a systematic and planned approach to financial control , is not dependent on any particular assumption about the nature of the business .
30 They maintain that these factors require markets to be backed by a set of institutional and cultural frameworks to correct for the inadequacies of the market , in particular the need for non-market based contracts and arrangements between economic agents .
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