Example sentences of "in [adj] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the strippings and restorations are recorded in dated pencilled notes on stocks or in butt-traps which helps recreate a gun 's personal history .
2 It was a modern cocktail , apricot-coloured and served in tall narrow glasses with ice , a glacé cherry and a slice of lemon .
3 One advantage of a card file is that it is very easy to pick up handful of cards and flip through them in odd five minutes in order to memorise some new words .
4 Er it 's , it 's not a problem , it just er it shows up in odd little corners of the .
5 He explained that all the answers he had found were in odd numbered positions in the sequence .
6 Welsh is a also a foundation subject , in non-Welsh speaking schools in Wales .
7 There is a long and distinguished history of studying the visual system using ‘ psychophysical ’ procedures in which variations in subjective visual experience with variations in visual input are studied .
8 ‘ I like to think that it is going on all over Masailand in fifty thousand kraals at this moment . ’
9 The results of this voyage were published in fifty large volumes between 1880 and 1895 , and represented international collaboration in oceanography and marine biology ; the most eminent authorities in the world were chosen to write up the various results and describe the collections .
10 In fifty different variations of British uniform , with cooking pots , cardboard boxes and bundles of clothing slung about us , we shuffled out of the camp to a railway siding with an escort of thirty-six guards and three dogs .
11 Spores do not need to be killed in normal operational practice as the infectivity of the common spore former , Clostridium perfringens , occurs when the vegetative cell is ingested and converts to a spore .
12 This portion of the curve is consistent with the idea that in normal driving levels of risk are low and that the increases in this level observed in most of this study correspond to levels still below the optimal level for performance on the memory task .
13 Although the concentrations of tissue type plasminogen activator and urokinase type plasminogen activator in normal squamous epithelium of the oesophagus were low compared with those in columnar epithelium from the stomach , the urokinase type plasminogen activator/tissue type plasminogen activator antigen ratio of the different locations showed hardy any difference .
14 This was stated in total emphatic form by the anonymous French student who retorted when General de Gaulle returned in haste from Romania and said : ‘ La réforme , oui .
15 In both the presence and absence of H pylori , the rise in total immunoreactive gastrin with eating was predominantly caused by an increase in G17 ( Fig 3 ) .
16 Hence , it has been pointed out that there was no net increase in total real wealth between 1913 and 1951 , and in this context the world wars are cast as the harpies which devoured the accumulated efforts of previous generations .
17 Due to the differences in salivary bicarbonate and salivary alkali concentrations determined by the pH/pCO 2 or back titration method , there are pronounced differences in total salivary outputs in 15 experiments ( 13 subjects ) .
18 Based on 1648 sites , average concentrations of TSP decreased by only 1 per cent from 1982 to 1989 , reflecting a similar change in total national emissions of particulates ( figure 8.8 ) .
19 The weighting factor a in a particular quarter is the share of corporate securities in total inward investment at the end of the previous quarter .
20 This may imply that the difference in total lipid concentration of diluted bile has a greater influence on the nucleation time compared with that of concentrated bile , as shown in model bile .
21 There they were in 1934 hatching plans for invading Russia but allowing one of their army chiefs — ‘ a typical monocled , duel-scarred , square-headed general of the High Command ’ — to reveal the lot to an RAF veteran over lunch at a plush Berlin restaurant .
22 ( 3 ) The P. wickerhamii introns are located at positions within the structural genes which can be considered as preferred intron insertion sites in homologous mitochondrial genes from fungi or liverwort .
23 This was also thought to explain , at least partly , the high rate of conduct disorder among children in low socioeconomic groups with discordant home backgrounds .
24 This observation could explain why straining is often ineffective in promoting normal defecation even in low spinal patients with intact abdominal musculature .
25 Willie could just make out , in all the speed of their walking , the wild hedgerows flashing in low green lines beside him .
26 Genda , as operations officer for the airborne attack had trained the pilots of the First Carrier Division in low level flights over Kagoshima Bay in southern Japan .
27 ‘ Curiously enough the reduction in low level concentrations of sulphur dioxide , resulted in an increase in the frequency of detections and complaints about fish smells because the acidic gases had been reacting with and neutralising the smell of the amines ’ .
28 ‘ Images ’ comes in rich deep colours of blue , black , green and red , and in lighter shades of the same colours .
29 Another writer has said that ‘ the genesis of African journalism lay in dry official publications of colonial governments .
30 The suggestion was that just as the energy of electrons is discharged in discrete amounts , or quanta , so energy is expended in near-shore sedimentary environments within short time intervals that are separated by long periods of relative calm .
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