Example sentences of "in [noun] it [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A ripple near the shore catches my eye and I swing the glasses quickly in case it is an otter — always a welcome sight !
2 In case it 's a woman .
3 You need three prizes , three in case it 's a team of three that win how about buying three Toblerones ?
4 ‘ Well , anyhow , ’ she went on , as she fumbled for the matches and lit the gas lights , ‘ we 'll have Christmas together in peace , and — and in case it 's the last we have for some time , we 'll make it as nice as possible .
5 When a particularly difficult and obscure accident occurs , the aircraft manufacturer may suspect the possibility of the failure of a particular component , and acting in a responsible manner and with the highest possible motives may circulate to all operators of that type of aircraft a design for modifying the component just in case it was the one that failed .
6 I asked her her name just in case it was the Devil in disguise and she told me who she was .
7 I even went in at seven in the morning when they 've got no compressors going in case it was the compressors dragging the whatsit down
8 The Danube has a different name in every country through which it flows : in Germany it is the Donau , in Slovakia , Dunaj , when it reaches Budapest it becomes the Duna , at Belgrade it is the Dunav and in Romania it is the Dunarea .
9 ( Interestingly , in the car industry , although Ford has never belonged to an association in Britain nevertheless in Germany it is an active member of the metalworking employers ' association and follows the terms of its negotiated agreements . )
10 The Danube has a different name in every country through which it flows : in Germany it is the Donau , in Slovakia , Dunaj , when it reaches Budapest it becomes the Duna , at Belgrade it is the Dunav and in Romania it is the Dunarea .
11 In part it was a response to the needs of childless white couples for whom white infants were no longer available for adoption .
12 In part it was a consequence of the determination of Liberal politicians to encourage trade unionism and the development of machinery for the joint and peaceful resolution of industrial disputes .
13 In part there was the problem of Babel — in different countries or different regions , plants and animals had quite different names ; and in part it was a problem of taxonomy .
14 In contrast it was the British , not the Americans , who were the first to express alarm at the wider implications of the communist challenge in French Indo-China .
15 If in Cosi it is the women who are put upon , then in L'Italiana in Algeri it is the eponymous heroine who wears the trousers — or so , at least , it ought to be .
16 In March it was the turn of Iranian Foreign Minister Velayati , who described reports that Syria was to reopen Iraq 's westbound pipeline as ‘ lies ’ .
17 In addition it is a means of storing wealth , a means of establishing the value of future claims and payments .
18 In addition it was a more professional institution aided in the work of government by an expert staff and impressive resources .
19 Well these things may er describe erm sexual behaviour and how to facilitate it , but they ca n't explain it and nor are they really fundamental , because after all okay in mammals males may be the sex defined by the X chromosome , but in birds it 's the other way round in birds it 's the female chromosome and all , in other words , all bird embryos start , start out as male and differentiate into females if they 're going to , whereas in mammals all embryos start out as female and differentiate into males , in so far as those terms have any sense .
20 Well these things may er describe erm sexual behaviour and how to facilitate it , but they ca n't explain it and nor are they really fundamental , because after all okay in mammals males may be the sex defined by the X chromosome , but in birds it 's the other way round in birds it 's the female chromosome and all , in other words , all bird embryos start , start out as male and differentiate into females if they 're going to , whereas in mammals all embryos start out as female and differentiate into males , in so far as those terms have any sense .
21 In Newport it was the Licensing Act of 1921 that brought about this decision , but in other places it was India , or Ireland , or public spending .
22 I mean , in essence it 's the small committees at the end of the day which actually find the target and the larger committees at the beginning of the list which do n't find them .
23 In essence it is an internal management tool to identify potential liabilities , to highlight whether environmental performance can be improved and to indicate where financial savings can be made .
24 In essence it is an extremely efficient three-way design employing four drive units in an unobtrusive , floor-standing cabinet some 900mm tall .
25 In essence it was a development of policies which Lloyd George had advocated at the beginning of his political career .
26 In practice it 's a piece of paper that 's been written out by you or at your direction to say what is to happen to all your goods and chattels and property when you die .
27 Erm I put that in In practice it 's a bit unnecessary because it is not enforceable .
28 Although the optimum phase resistance can be calculated , in practice it is a fairly simple matter to determine the optimum experimentally .
29 But in practice it is the divergence indicator which often triggers intervention because it is designed to serve as an early warning device for when strong or weak currencies look likely to test their parity limits .
30 In practice it was a straightforward piece of CIA terrorism designed to overthrow by force a legitimately elected government that America did not like .
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