Example sentences of "in [noun] it [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Miss Harder even refused the offer of financial assistance , in case it led to another child losing his chance of coming to Britain .
2 But when one of the squad emerged from the shop with the remains of the rucksack , and told police that he was unhappy about the cause of the fire , a full scale evacuation of the city centre was started in case it proved to be an incendiary device and in case others had been planted .
3 They were all Altun family retainers of long standing — men whose first and only concern would be to protect the interests of the Kha-Khan — and Burun watched them out of the corner of his eye in case it occurred to Nogai to send Sipotai warning .
4 In contests it has to be flown over four marker flags which makes it even more difficult .
5 I 've er a comment which I think in part it relates to Miss 's observation .
6 In practice it led to the ‘ carve-up ’ ( described in more detail in chapter 6 ) , whereby the four big companies ( five , from 1968 ) were guaranteed national access for agreed amounts of their programmes , with the ITA/IBA controlling certain ‘ quality ’ aspects of content and the proportions of programme types ( news , drama , and so on ) .
7 I think it is absolutely plain that there is no possibility , that any local authority wherever Paul were living would find it possible to that he should cease to be a statement in child , it is quite clear , I think , that he is bound to remain a child with a statement of special educational needs , in those circumstances any local authority would have the statutory duty to provide for his education , either at or somewhere else and in practice it seems to me there is no reasonable possibility of his being moved from after he has spent , will it be probably more than four years there perhaps five years there , that I think is not a possibility which has to be catered for .
8 If the house was formerly in the sole name of the husband it would be quite appropriate for the wife 's solicitors to insist on a full abstract of title commencing with a good root of title ( although in practice it seems to be accepted that the title was properly investigated at the time of the husband 's purchase ) ; but in the case of a house already in joint names it is thought that this could be dispensed with , the wife 's solicitor assuming that a proper investigation of title to the property was made at the time when the house was purchased by the husband and the wife .
9 In rug-making it refers to the contoured areas at the four right-angles of the field adjacent to the borders , usually only found in rugs employing a central medallion .
10 The intensity of the field is generally weak , falling to 10–20% of the initial strength over most of the Earth 's surface , but in places it rises to high values .
11 In Canada it came to be known as ‘ The 10 Lost Years ’ , which were devastating for those on the prairies and very difficult for those in the cities .
12 The ancestor of the modern jury has been found in a variety of institutions of northern Europe in this period ; in truth it seems to be the residuary legatee of the popular courts in general .
13 In reaction it turned to a whole gamut of strategies advocated by advisory committees and penal reform groups in an attempt to counter and check the rising tide of custodial sentences .
14 In retrospect , information about both of these dimensions can be obtained from the case studies , in prospect it has to be inferred by those most closely connected with the work .
15 In Britain it came to the fore in the 1970s through Buzz magazine and the Greenbelt festival .
16 In Britain it seems to be a kind of tradition that if you refer to modern art at all , you make jokes about it .
17 If it is to sell in Japan it has to be in the form , and of the characteristics , that the Japanese wish and require .
18 In fairness it has to be said that Levin tries to isolate Debord from a purely formal Modernism , and from naive realism ( the politics of the signified ) .
19 Instead , uncharacteristically , he went and signed up with the Maharishi , paid out £146 , and has never regretted it for a single minute , although in fairness it has to be said that his wife has .
20 Sometimes in life it has to be enough . ’
21 In Rochdale and in Nottingham it led to the removal of many children .
22 In childhood it has to be reinforced with teaching , firmness , reminders .
23 The course of the split varies from one Species to another ; in some its lateral arms run dorsal to the antennal insertions , in others it runs to them or below them .
24 In April it inclined to the view that , apart from personal freedom , serfs should acquire no more than their dwelling-places and kitchen gardens .
25 In fact it seemed to be only Gaughan who seemed capable of creating chances as Darlington struggled .
26 In fact it seemed to be only Gaughan who seemed capable of creating chances as Darlington struggled .
27 But in fact it added to my Saturday work because I was expected to clean more with the new machine .
28 In fact it led to the opposite .
29 Ostensibly her idea was a good one , but she found that praise was , for that child , not a reward at all ; in fact it led to his communicating with her less often .
30 The peacetime strength of the army was 415,000 ; on mobilization this was expected to rise to 1,800,000 , but in fact it grew to nearly twice that number .
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