Example sentences of "in [noun] a small [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition a small amount will be devoted to a centralised scheme for dissemination and exploitation of results .
2 In May a small group of Sussex members gave a display of Medau work at the Healthier Living Exhibition at Brighton , which resulted in several interested enquiries .
3 Miss Fergusson thanked him , and offered in return a small parcel of sugar , which was gravely accepted .
4 Some recent experiments carried out by Corey Goodman in Stanford , California and his colleagues suggest that in insects a small group of pioneer cells may provide a labelled ‘ streetmap ’ along which the developing neurons can navigate by using a simple set of directions to locate their specific targets .
5 As I stared at the German with the white flag , I remembered ( as no doubt the five Frenchmen lying beside me also remembered ) a short time ago in Amfreville a small party of Germans had surrendered and , as the Commando patrol approached , one of the Germans had lobbed a grenade , killing and wounding several members of the patrol .
6 There were in fact a small number of such Chetniks in Austria at the time , the 400 Montenegrins at Viktring , although there is no evidence that Gen Robertson was aware of their existence .
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