Example sentences of "in [noun] which [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Learning of this affront to the Christmas Spirit from the Washington Post , the First Lady rallied her forces , put some bills into her handbag , summoned the Secret Service and sallied forth to Mazza Galleries , one of the few places in town which still allows the Sally Army to function .
2 This has since been supported by an important report from the Battelle Institute in Geneva which broadly suggests that if products such as cars or powerpacks were designed to last for 20 years not only would energy and materials be conserved , but about 65 per cent more work would be created and the jobs would be the interesting , fiddling , diagnostic type jobs that human beings love doing .
3 He accuses the new critics of finding a value in art which falsely claims to give life order and meaning : " The pursuit of literary value thus becomes the basis of a new morality .
4 The French team was a scratch combination which included players from the Albion Cricket Club , a sporting club for expatriates living in Paris which still flourishes two years after its centenary .
5 He also has the awkward problem of a narrow marginal seat in Bath which desperately needs nursing in the ordinary course of events , let alone during an election .
6 Easily told from the swallow tribe by short tail and long curved wings , as well as by all dark plumage , apart from whitish throat , rather more obvious in juvenile which also has pale tips to wing feathers .
7 With less gifted composers this can result in opera which never becomes worth listening to , because the music never reaches and holds lyrical peaks .
8 It is still being published , and is the longest continuous magazine about or of the deaf in Britain which still bears the same title .
9 People write letters , ‘ post ’ them to a central computer in Oxford which then distributes the article to all the subscribed users .
10 The main plot of Mansfield Park , on the other hand , is that of a young girl called Fanny Price and her development along the obstacles in which she finds she has to overcome in life which eventually takes her from a stage of immaturity to a stage of maturity .
11 Day-Lewis and Stowe fall madly in love which severely irks Waddington who has been proposing non-stop to the woman since the movie began .
12 At present there is no provision in legislation which positively prevents the establishment of a Voluntary Aided tertiary college .
13 SDLP lost a seat here as in Armagh which together accounts for the reduction in their representation by two seats as between the Assembly and the Convention .
14 Most trumpet players now possess a small trumpet in D which much facilitates the performance of baroque trumpet parts .
15 The exception — the apparently insatiable appetite for green reading matter — is itself a function of a hyped boom in eco-discourse which already shows signs of peaking .
16 As part of the government 's support for renewable energy schemes , refuse-derived fuel ( RDF ) will be used in a new power station in Slough which also relies on a circulating fluidized bed , a form of clean coal technology .
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