Example sentences of "in [noun] this [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the European Championships in Sheffield this afternoon she put in her best ever swim to qualify for the final of the 200 metres breastroke … wish her well …
2 Sir Anthony famously discovered in Cardiff this month what the rest of the country had known for a year : that many children saw the grisly film and were delighted by his Oscar-winning portrayal of the cannibalistic anti-hero .
3 In March this year it increased its presence in the UK with the acquisition of London Life , the British mutual insurer , which attracted a measure of opposition from the British group 's policyholders .
4 In view of the Duchess of York 's abrupt departure from the royal family in March this year it was a prudent decision .
5 In addition this morning I have announced more than a further 15 million for 1989–90 .
6 ‘ You sound very calm , bearing in mind this mix-up you 've landed in ! ’
7 In the UK we have disposed of a number of non-strategic assets for a total of £208 million , which will be received in 1993 , while in February this year we also disposed of our remaining businesses in Australia and withdrew from that country .
8 In January this year it emerged that the sometime property dealer and owner of the Mountain Tortoise Gallery in Tokyo was running late on payment to Sotheby 's for a Picasso and a de Kooning , both of which he had bought at auctions in New York the previous November .
9 ‘ I have calculated that selling the girdles at normal price — and in Leningrad this day I could get double the normal price at least — but at normal price I could still retire at the end of one day 's work .
10 AT THE La Manga club in Spain this week there is not a hacking holidaymaker in sight .
11 AT THE La Manga club in Spain this week there is not a hacking holidaymaker in sight .
12 I went for a walk the dog in Ambarro this morning it was a joke !
13 She sensed a difference in her man ; there was a remoteness in Sharpe this night which , though he tried to hide it , was very obvious to Lucille .
14 Well the farmers for the last couple of years have been arguing that they want this green rate devalued er to try and bring it line more with the market rate er and what this would do would er increase our guaranteed prices in this country and in fact on Friday this happened er the green rate was devalued by 60%. er and so I 've done a few calculations er and for the farmers that are listening and er may understand this er if he was selling his grain in November 89 he would be getting about £99 a ton , whilst if he sells it in November this year he 'll be getting £110 a ton .
15 Oh good lord yes , she 's doing well , in fact eh , some time in November this year she 'll only be two years younger than me .
16 As the youngest car racer takes to the track at Silverstone … the oldest boat racer is across the other side of the world battling for the world championship … in Singapore this weekend its showdown time … we 've got two Central South pilots on course for the powerboat crown … and they 're the stars in our Friday Feature
17 Arriving on a hot afternoon in October this year I found a pleasant but unremarkable village spread along a bay .
18 Erm which I saw again in Marks this year which you could wear tucked in with a belt .
19 What a guide IF YOU are thinking of a driving holiday in France this year it is well worth being able to parle a little motoring Francaise and the AA , along the National Tyre and Autocare have come up with ways of helping to make yourself understood .
20 Now , there 's something been going on in Argyle Street in Glasgow this lunchtime which has attracted the interest of more than a few people hereabouts .
21 When the film opened in America this summer he talked to the press about Brando .
22 He was 76 , but within a month of his first dose at his home in Shurdington , in April this year he was suffering from jaundice .
23 ‘ Tomorrow we will look for a house to rent but as I only arrived in London this morning I have not had the time .
24 Er no we do n't not really because at this stage now as you said there 's so many good standards out there you we would every year we would start off with about a hundred titles , work our way down to maybe fifty down to thirty and we 'd end up recording about in fact this year we recorded thirty six songs and out of that we picked twenty two for the
25 Well local people protesting in the area say they 'll fight the scheme and they plan to lobby the meeting of county planners at ten thirty in Northallerton this morning which has been called to discuss the scheme .
26 At the International Conference in Berlin this summer there is very little mention of the host nation 's art apart from Berlin 's monuments and museums .
27 In class this morning there was a telephone call for me .
28 Smith was annoyed when he heard of the decision for a jump-off in Belfast this weekend which will determine who will join the team for the championships in Rome later this month .
29 Those who would wish to take it in parts please show those against taking it in parts this evening we will vote on it as one amendment in that case .
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