Example sentences of "in [noun] and give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The landlord then relented in part and gave her back the keys to the bedsit .
2 It should hold us in suspense and give us a sense of waiting and expectation for the more important message which is to follow .
3 My father paid for my digs in Paddington and gave me a pound a week pocket money , together with what he called ‘ travelling expenses ’ for my regular visit home ( home and a good , square meal ) , and to spend some time with Clare who was fifteen and slowly , very slowly , improving .
4 A 12-strong party of homeless men , who currently reside at the Fleetwood Hostel in Lancashire , were offered the chance to visit Sellafield to stimulate their interest in industry and give them a day out to remember .
5 If we 'd upset his applecart in busting out the hostages , then the radical fundamentalists might easily have taken over in Syria and given us a much worse problem .
6 Whereas , taking him taking one guy a week for a week , is putting no-one in jeopardy and giving somebody a decent wage for a week .
7 He was buried the following day under the name of Wolfgang Gerhard , an Austrian Nazi who befriended him in Brazil and gave him his identity papers before returning to Vienna .
8 A couple of hours earlier , on a hunch , Hermann Goering rang down to his main office in Carinhall and gave them a Stockholm number to obtain .
9 The trip was a great success , the subsequent Travels in the West exhibition proving very popular in Nanjing and giving him his first taste of newspaper and television attention .
10 The federal civil service is the only part of Canadian society which remotely approaches the bilingual and bicultural ideal : this isolates it from real life in Canada and gives it the tendency , like the Prussian army , to believe that it is the sole repository of national values .
11 I think the US is in trouble and gave us too much credit .
12 I mean , he he he took two steps dug his foot in ground and give him one of them !
13 But it 's er had it we took round to that fella round Dash Hill there well Alec took it and er he said I 'll ring you up in morning and give you an estimate .
14 Taylor wants everyone to be sunny side up after the World Cup qualifier to make up for the fact that no English club sides are left in Europe and give everyone — players and fans — a lift .
15 And they picked me up in turn and gave me a kiss .
16 It enables you to use and rest areas in turn and give you a smaller area to keep clean — picking up droppings is essential all the year round .
17 He walked Eleanor to the station in silence and gave her a parting hug .
18 And he went into the main agent in Edinburgh and gave them an order for three of those , and of course , we did n't get them just right away because er probably we 'd have got the last one about a couple of years later in these days .
19 In the former areas the chief executive is sustained in his perennial struggle for mastery with congress by his claim to represent the nation as a whole and by the provisions of the Constitution that designate him as Commander in Chief and give him special responsibilities in international relations .
20 Even in Britain in the last years of the nineteenth century a high foreign office official had fairly frequent interviews , on the instructions of Lord Salisbury , the prime minister and foreign secretary , with Reuter 's agent in London and gave him selected information considered helpful to British policy .
21 ‘ The opening of our new office demonstrates our commitment to our future involvement in Slovakia and gives us the opportunity to continue to build on the excellent relations that have already been established , ’ he added .
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