Example sentences of "in [noun] be to be " in BNC.

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1 The context for this shift in direction was to be found in wider pressures to reduce state spending and , above all , levels of state borrowing to finance such expenditure .
2 There must be something we can pick out if a difference in judgement is to be justified .
3 Finally , in 1988 in Action for Cities , it was announced that the Lower Don Valley in Sheffield was to be a UDC , covering about 2,000 hectares with a seven-year budget of £50 million .
4 a sample of 25 students stratified by course ; sample sizes in strata are to be proportionally allocated and a simple random sampling scheme used ,
5 How wide the sphere of the duty of care in negligence is to be laid depends ultimately on the court 's assessment of the demands of society for protection from the carelessness of others .
6 Advice to visitors issued in March was to be vigilant at all times , avoid Dairut and Assiut where the most serious attacks have occurred unless carrying out essential business , and dress and behave discreetly .
7 Two other features of the 1823 appeal in parliament are to be noted .
8 Decisions such as these show that the courts inclined to the view that in a conflict between the common law property right of an individual and the statutory powers of a local authority to interfere with those rights , the benefit of any doubt in statute was to be given to the individual — and that this was particularly so if the statute gave less than full compensation to the individual .
9 Any definition which helps to recognise that there may be substantial overlapping of legal and social issues , and that neither can be adequately dealt with in isolation is to be commended .
10 Due to the diversity of structures being accommodated a large increase in data is to be expected .
11 Health officers in Macclesfield are to be empowered to go into houses and switch off noisy burglar alarms .
12 A new Moneysavers magazine containing discount coupons to use in shops is to be launched .
13 Export permits currently in force were to be withdrawn .
14 If this is true , it is the more important that active approaches and positive attitudes prevail , if enjoyment in books is to be kept alive in the face of more passive forms of entertainment .
15 LONG-STAY hospital patients in Ayr are to be given the opportunity of moving into small staffed community homes thanks to £2.6 million of bridging finance from the National Health Service .
16 Such knowledge will be necessary if families in future are to be helped to come to the more open acceptance of donor insemination which is envisaged in proposed legislation .
17 It seemed that the only way I could be sure of making teams in future was to be so far ahead of the opposition that they could n't possibly leave me out .
18 ‘ She was afraid of what he might do when she told him she was n't going to keep up the pretence any longer and everything she did in future was to be sold as her own work . ’
19 Making sure that Ryan was already inside , they entered , sat near him , and began a general chat about land , A saying to B , in a casual roundabout fashion , that if he had any land going in Norfolk to unload it quickly because the councils were clamping down on building regulations and that land in future was to be used for agricultural purposes only . ’
20 Private , local and foreign investment in industry was to be encouraged .
21 Bathrooms in all the lodges are particularly luxurious … but perhaps the ultimate in extravagance is to be found in the larger lodges .
22 For the conclusion that the powers vested in directors are to be exercised exclusively by the directors is arrived at by a careful analysis of the wording of the article giving to the directors of the company general managerial powers which is found in the constitution of most companies .
23 Meanwhile , logging of the ecologically-unique Mata Atlantica jungle in Brazil is to be resumed after agreement on the creation of three new reserves at Tefe , Rio Preto and Ibama .
24 But for Madonna and her dear friend Ingrid , this £3.3 million Spanish-style villa in Miami is to be home .
25 In the final resort matters in disagreement were to be referred to the Shipping Controller , though his decision was not binding unless agreed by both sides .
26 In addition , an input in posture is to be made into the training of officers to educate them in ways of preventing back injury . ’
27 But the hard decision about how housing in Hampshire is to be provided has been weakly postponed , ’ he added .
28 Finally , every provision of Community law must be placed in its context and interpreted in the light of the provisions of Community law as a whole , regard being had to the objectives thereof and to its state of evolution at the date on which the provision in question is to be applied . ’
29 The road in question was to be the new North Parade , and — just to be sure — the Trustees wanted permission if necessary to knock down almost the whole of Pig Street and a lot else besides , including :
30 ‘ Iconicity ’ in poetry was to be found , he argued , in metrical structures , in various figures of speech such as antithesis , and in general in the way in which words are arranged in sequence .
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