Example sentences of "in [noun] [that] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I noticed a teaching job in Sheffield that did n't look too bad . ’
2 In cases that do not have a clear Rhus tox .
3 In the following chapter I will prepare the way for an analysis of that kind and in Chapter 11 I will propose an account of theory change in physics that does not hinge on the judgements of individuals or groups .
4 This makes sense when you consider the stored bank of CFCs in products that have not yet been released in the atmosphere .
5 Power resides elsewhere , in other places and in parties that do not need urban parliamentary seats .
6 Fleischmann has had some excellent ideas including methods to measure the surface diffraction of X-rays and he has made a detailed study of electrolysis in solutions that do not conduct electricity .
7 We 're all taught when learning to fly that we should initiate turns using a little rudder , often in aircraft that do n't really need it .
8 In countries that have not yet achieved high immunisation coverage with OPV , resources would be better spent in raising a population 's immunity through a combination of improved routine services and the initiation of mass campaigns .
9 Besides , there have been so many opportunities for growth in countries that do not require local equity sharing that they have had little incentive to try to build businesses in those countries that do .
10 Every killer has its own special modus operandi — or MO , to use a police term — and it does not take kindly to being forced to attack in circumstances that do not favour its special hunting style .
11 It argued that of the half million British troops overseas , 200,000 were in areas that did not create a foreign currency liability , and of the rest few were in areas requiring direct dollar expenditure ; ‘ it follows that the contribution to be made to the balance of payments problem by the withdrawal of troops in overseas theatres will be strictly limited , will apply only to those areas when there is at present a currency obligation , and will produce little or no direct dollar saving . '
12 They are distinct , but they overlap in certain respects , albeit in areas that do not challenge their basic theoretical viewpoints .
13 The only problem with it is that very often we , the people that organize the Neighbourhood Watches already live in areas that do n't really need one that much .
14 Er what the gov the British government would like to see is a resolution of these matters er our precise position er and attitude and er erm the assistance we can give in reaching conclusions is much more a matter er for ministers of the foreign office rather than myself so the honourable gentleman er invites me to tread in areas that do n't belong to me and do not actually belong to these orders that are before us , no they 're not , they 're not really relevant to whether we approve or not the orders that are before us , er I 'll give way in a moment but the honourable gentleman er for I believe wanted to intervene .
15 ‘ Do n't you think it 's time you stopped interfering in matters that do n't concern you ? ’
16 Honey should be packed in jars that name not only the countries of origin , but also the beekeepers , and the endangered tropical flowers the bees were pollinating .
17 However , radicalism makes outright cancellation a possibility — for if the station stops providing jobs ( or , rather , provides jobs in places that have not yet welded themselves into a firm lobbying coalition ) what is it good for ?
18 The goal was slightly obscured by a post in front of me ( in seats that did not have an ‘ obstructed view ’ according to the tickets ! ) .
19 The link , he suggested , was the ‘ intuitive poster art , words to songs that are not quite understandable , superimpositions in films that do n't quite focus into a subject ’ , all of which , he contended optimistically , ‘ move us towards the new era ’ .
20 But you 've been dabbling in things that do n't concern you .
21 In families that did not indulge themselves in this way a healthier climate prevailed ; children do not seem to have been unduly obsessed with death .
22 It does n't do any harm in machines that do n't require this rerouting so it is installed as a default .
23 Do some of them believe in gods that exist and others believe in gods that do n't exist ?
24 Choueka [ 1988 ] has designed an algorithm for locating collocational expressions in corpora that does not include any morphological or syntactic component and does not require any dictionary lookup .
25 The Reports of the various Working Groups , taken together , should allay these misgivings and reveal possibilities for collaboration across disciplines in ways that have not yet been widely recognised , with each making its distinctive contribution .
26 In part , as the UNCTC considers , this is due to a ‘ widespread impression that service industries consist largely of technologically stagnant , small-scale personal services based on unskilled labour working with little capital in ways that have not changed for many years ’ .
27 Future funding from the Board to law centres would be for cases done under the green forms and legal aid schemes , including any new arrangements that might be developed , ‘ and possibly grants for specific types of work where the law centres could demonstrate that they would provide a better and more efficient service in ways that did not lend themselves to payment on a case by case basis . ’
28 Conditions , then , were in some respects similar to those of today ; in some respects different , but in ways that do not matter ; and in other respects different in ways that are very significant indeed .
29 These katures of the National Curriculum framework offer a powerful resource with which to classify children according to their level of attainment in ways that do not help teachers to overcome their difficulties .
30 Why , asked the Prince , was Britain the only country in Europe that did not have some kind of community service .
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