Example sentences of "in [noun] [coord] has [been] " in BNC.

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1 This piece of ‘ The Storm ’ timber was felled in Hull and has been air drying ever since , I hope I have done it justice .
2 Known as Jimmy by his friends , he was due to retire in December and has been a weaver with Stoddards for the past 34 years .
3 of the directors of the company must be nationals of that member state ; ( b ) that the said legal owners and beneficial owners , charterers , managers , operators , shareholders and directors , as the case may be , must be resident and domiciled in that member state ; ( c ) that the vessel in question must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within that member state ? ( ii ) Is the answer to question ( i ) above different where the power exists to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in the member state in question and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state ?
4 The Bill introduces fundamental reforms to further and higher education in Scotland and has been widely welcomed there .
5 A council spokeswoman said : ‘ The liability order was issued in error and has been withdrawn .
6 Notwithstanding that the royal prerogative as a source of power for the government antedates Acts of Parliament , has been at the root of a civil war and a revolution in England and has been litigated about on countless major occasions in respect of its use both at home and overseas , its scope is still unclear as is the role of the courts in relation thereto .
7 Yet this form of schooling has never really succeeded in England and has been surrounded by hostile controversy and apathy .
8 This is the bar that keeps the needles in place and has been discussed in depth in previous issues of MKM .
9 Of the two , Mr Yates , who will be 81 in November and has been in Congress almost without a break since he was first elected in 1948 , had the easier time of it .
10 For the past two years he has run Colnaghi 's representative office in Paris and has been responsible for business development in Europe , Japan and South America .
11 when it was envisaged as a form of national salvation ? it was conceived in compassion but has been born and bred in authoritarianism , profligacy and frustration , it aimed to liberate people from the slums but has come to represent an even worse form of bondage , it aspired to beautify the urban environment , but has been transmogrified into the epitome of ugliness .
12 The Patricof team met Hugh Neill , the chairman , in August and has been planning the bid since then .
13 Jelfs originally helped SCO to set up in Australia and has been poached by Univel to be its number one employee in the Asia/Pacific region , responsible for everywhere except Japan .
14 Bill Mays was born and raised in California but has been resident in New York since the mid-1980s .
15 RUGBY LEAGUE : Ellery Hanley , the Great Britain and Leeds skipper who has been out of action since last November , suffered a calf muscle injury in training and has been ruled out of for Leeds ' game at Warrington on Sunday .
16 He also lives in Amsterdam and has been working , off and on , for Hendrique since I982 . ’
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