Example sentences of "in [noun] [coord] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , it surpassed in bulk and cost anything yet seen in Romania and was on a scale approaching Imelda Marcos 's spendthrift acquisitions .
2 Children may learn to pass urine and faeces in it but accidents will still happen when they are preoccupied in play or are in a place where they do not know where the lavatory is .
3 Not that he drove any less well , but there seemed to be an unusual number of niggling little problems , a certain tension in the team ; there was Watson 's departure , Prost 's arrival ; there was tension between designer John Barnard , a man considerable force and conviction as to his own genius , and Ron Dennis , who had worked his way up the ranks in FI and was in a somewhat Olympian mood .
4 It is also recognized that this complex individual does not live in isolation but is in continual interaction with his or her environment , and that this must also be taken into account in both assessing the problem and planning the treatment .
5 The application and exploitation of technical advances is seen as a central feature of competitive performance in industry and is of crucial importance to economic survival and growth .
6 He lived over in Westmorland and was in the milk business , and then he met and married a Baldersdale girl , Anne Coldfield from Dill House , and they came to live here .
7 Suddenly the open-door policy was in question and was in need of modification .
8 His chief importance to Edward was that he was a substantial landowner in Normandy and was at odds with John II over the succession to the counties of Angoulême and Mortain .
9 She took a BSc honours degree in Sociology at London University , worked as a community counsellor for one-parent families in Camden and was on the literature panel of the Arts Council until their decision to return to the Government some money designated for writers ' bursaries led her to resign in disgust .
10 In most cases their advice will either be right in law or be in an area where the courts will wish to leave alone the exercise of the visitor 's discretion .
11 I ca n't get there tonight : I 'll probably spend the night in Springfield and be in something like ten tomorrow .
12 This was the first , and remains the only , attempt to summarise all of the known archaeology of the period in England and is of interest in that it describes the aims and methods of Anglo-Saxon archaeology as Leeds perceived them ; it was reprinted in 1970 .
13 How had she come from Murmansk , to have her baby here in England and be near the sailor father ?
14 This windmill was the last of the Dutch barn type left in England and was in use until 1930 , but had to be pulled down in 1945 as it was in danger of collapse .
15 Yet Margaret holds a responsible position in marketing and is by no means untalented .
16 It 's widely regarded as the best in town and is within strolling distance of the city centre and Maschsee .
17 I reckon he died cos he wanted to go back to his home in Heaven and be with God .
18 Where possible the Police Road Safety Display Caravan will highlight these initiatives in Lothian and be on site at various organised events .
19 Thousands of islands have been dispatched from factories in China and are on a ship somewhere between here and Asia .
20 General elections were to be held in October and were to be accompanied by a two-part referendum .
21 Ingredient Z was bought well in advance and is in stock .
22 Feuerbach 's position was more consistent : he was a philosopher who did not believe in God but was on his own admission passionately concerned with religion and theology , whose real object he held to be man himself .
23 Most were in their 40s to 60s in age and were of an Establishment style and type .
24 The electric field is a constant everywhere in space but is of different sign on the two sides of the sheet .
25 Marinetti , the organizer of the movement , who launched the first Futurist manifesto in 1909 , had spent much time in France and was in touch with the most advanced French thought .
26 ‘ The air ambulance can go anywhere in Cornwall and is on the scene in nine minutes from the time of getting the 999 call , on average , ’ he says .
27 She wanted to stay in Harlem and be with Edith for it was because of Edith she was still alive and she finally knew that their relationship was genuine .
28 Clerks had particular privileges in society and were as a group apart .
29 The analyst has now constructed the model in outline and is in a position to fill in the detail .
30 I mean what , what is it that attracts you , you ninety three people who have been in love or are in love , why ? , what is what , what , what are the attractive things ? , yes
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