Example sentences of "in [noun] [noun prp] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Just in case Reynolds ' letter has had any influence on venue managers or promoters , on my next trip up to London to see Blyth Power at the Robey , I 'd better be prepared to wear a tie .
2 Just in case Reynolds ' letter has had any influence on venue managers or promoters , on my next trip up to London to see Blyth Power at the Robey , I 'd better be prepared to wear a tie .
3 The revival of the campaign for Scottish devolution — indeed , for Scottish nationalism , as shown in Jim Sillars ' by-election victory in Govan — was a notable feature of the later phase of Mrs Thatcher 's regime .
4 Although they have worked together for so many years , there has still been time for individual projects and exhibitions : François-Xavier has moved on from vegetable architecture to monumental fountains and sculptures ; Claude 's ventures include jewellery and bronze furniture for an American garden , stage props for Bob Wilson and breastplates for the angels in Wim Wenders ' film ‘ Wings of Desire ’ .
5 There was a warning tone in Valerie Stevens ' voice which Rachel knew only too well .
6 In Andrea Adams ' Bullying at Work ( Virago , £6.99 ) the author exposes this demoralising problem , and suggests some remedies .
7 Working with Alan Stanton in Richard Rogers ' office and the surveyor Hugh Cantle , we did detailed calculations showing that good modern office floor space could be created .
8 He said if one hospital 's unit is full units in adjacent hospitals are used , in South Tees ' case units in North Tees or Darlington .
9 In my view and also , if my memory serves me correctly , in Dr Reeves ' view , this is quite simply because it doubles up as a transmitter with very sharp rise and fall times on its pulse width modulated waveform .
10 He left a diary of his own times and a large manuscript collection on Puritan history , housed in Dr Williams ' Library , London .
11 This tension between the cerebral and the visceral was usefully explored in Kim Evans ' film for Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) about the connections between two professions where the work , though very different , is done with the hands .
12 The hand can be distinguished from the body , yet it belongs to it in such a way that it can not operate as a hand unless attached to the body — except in fantasy as in Ted Hughes ' story of The Iron Man .
13 On the contrary , upon adjudication there vested in Mr. Dennis ' trustee the entire beneficial interest in the two properties which , on Mrs. Dennis ' death , had passed to Mr. Dennis as the surviving joint tenant .
14 In Mr Reynolds ' case it is necessary to repeat this preparation after the investigations to ensure a good view for the surgeon and so that faecal matter is not present to contaminate the operation site .
15 Voters indicated they were more interested in Mr Brazauskas ' competence in trying to drag the country out of the economic morass than in his political past .
16 Generally , however , the type of camera figures little in Mr Edwards ' way of things .
17 In Mr Dicketts ' view the whole system is a ‘ sledgehammer to crack a nut ’ and both partners were concerned that clients would not accept fee increases despite the considerable costs of compliance incurred .
18 February also has an original unknown which I am ( and so is Corgi ) hyping high , since it is a nice idea : the story of the Gold Blend couple in Susannah James ' Love over Gold ( Corgi ) .
19 IN MRS Barrass ' description of ‘ hunting horror ’ ( HAS Jan 29 ) it is difficult to believe that the couple running up and down egging on the hounds ( not dogs , please ) were real hunt supporters .
20 Based on the true story recounted in Oliver Sacks ' book , Awakenings is the story of a real life miracle .
21 Some of the details are similar to those found in St Agnes ' Convent .
22 He set out from here , Poděbrad Palace , for his coronation in St Vitus ' Cathedral in March 1458 .
23 As Major leaned forward over a desk , the backdrop of people walking in St James ' Park could have fooled anyone into thinking it was Number 10 .
24 She saw an empty sandwich packet on the wooden bench beside her and remembered that she had decided to eat lunch in St James ' Park .
25 John was said to be in a critical but stable condition last night in St James ' Hospital , Leeds .
26 Manu Singh scored an undefeated half century in St Edwards ' league success against Arnot .
27 In Virginia Cowles ' account they also had a 3-tonner with supplies and extra men inside .
28 There can be few better examples of how to include all the necessary details than in de Valois ' dance for the Betrayed Girl in The Rake 's Progress .
29 The book was made famous when Tom Courtenay played the role of Colin in Brian Forbes ' film version .
30 At the same time , increasing interest in language led to a succession of BEd courses with strong language components in Colleges of Education ( work in the Birmingham area , led by Professor John Sinclair , part of which is described in Mary Willes ' paper on pp. xx-xx , was particularly notable , but similar innovations were developed elsewhere ) .
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