Example sentences of "in [noun] [conj] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I got to know it pretty well when I was living in Sheffield and I 'd recommend anyone to take a walking holiday there .
2 He wrote to a friend : ‘ I feel it is only in weakness that I can glorify God . ’
3 I am involved in cases that I would n't otherwise have the chance to deal with .
4 The views and attitudes of the innovative agency Howell Henry Chaldecott Lury are explored elsewhere in Wave so I wo n't dwell on them here .
5 But yes I 'm sure you can be a missionary in Harlow and I 'd like to think that maybe I could erm increase that work and maybe have an afternoon a week where I could talk to people about God , but I think there 's not really time in a ten minute surgery slot .
6 I was no longer in Brazil , they said , I was in Bolivia and I would have to show some respect .
7 Questions of construction may be involved on what is said in Parliament and I can not see how if the rule is modified in this way the parties ' legal advisers could properly come to court without having looked to see whether there was anything in the Hansard Report on the Bill which could assist their case .
8 Buildings were in flames and I could hear the screams and moans of the trapped and injured .
9 USAAF memorials have received much coverage in Fly/Past so I shall only mention a few .
10 USAAF memorials have received much coverage in Fly/Past so I shall only mention a few .
11 This summer , I visited the Art Materials Exhibition and , to my surprise , I learnt more from watching paintings in action than I could ever have learnt from the so-called Teach Yourself books .
12 But in a more important sense he would be wrong , for there is no such person as he had in mind and I would have been there all the time .
13 please Your Worships I am satisfied that those documents do cover the defendant for the date in question and I would therefore offer no evidence in relation to the no insurance and no test certificate offences those .
14 I was already aware that Ian had recently lost an argument with a South Uist bend resulting in a change in vehicle and I can impart to all past and future travellers to the Uists who depend on Ian for transport that journeys are now much more sedate than they used to be .
15 This is all part of the attitude in stratigraphy that I may call " the quest for the golden horizon " .
16 The reason was , partly , because she would n't live in Ireland and I would n't live in Finland .
17 He has always made it tough for me when he has been in contention but I can deal with that because I have confidence in my game . ’
18 I have seen the cluster cases in a village on the front line in Croatia and I can testify to their British markings .
19 ‘ My collections , I am happy to say ’ he wrote , despite his own and prince 's fears , ‘ have all arrived in safety and I can now scarcely tell how so large a mass was got together in so short a time . ’
20 I had an extremely important appointment in town and I could n't find a parking space anywhere else . ’
21 ‘ I was only a messenger but it was the closest job to actually being in films that I could get , ’ he told Expression magazine .
22 I know if I get into trouble again I 'll be done for the arson charge and breach of probation , and that means a few years in jail and I could n't handle it .
23 For I knew there were English-speaking visitors in Geneva if I could only establish communication with them ; they might be induced to take up my cause .
24 He got lost in Istanbul and I could n't wait so I went on without him . ’
25 We had a big management shakeup in BHS when I could see that certain people were just not going to change their spots .
26 ‘ I said in court that I might see 200 such challenges if I attended four games in a week — and I stand by that .
27 I was in agony and I 'd like to know what I should do if it happens again .
28 I think we do a lot that 's relevant to local groups and , as a local boy born in Hove if I may say so , I hope erm I bear in mind local groups .
29 You paying me in 'and , and Dennis is paying me in 'and and I 'll a er , thousand pound a week , the way that I keep getting these job offers .
30 It is the fascination of these contrasted views of drama in education that I would like to share with the reader as the basis for this chapter .
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