Example sentences of "in [noun] [conj] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 It was this same Spirit that drove Jesus off into the desert to be tempted after his baptism , that pioneered the mission of the early Church often in the most bizarre , unexpected and ‘ unorthodox ’ ways ; that gripped a man like Philip , removed him from a flourishing evangelistic campaign in Samaria and drove him into the desert because there was one man who needed his help .
2 ‘ I met Drew in Panama and liked him a lot .
3 Police talked to the man for 90 minutes before breaking into the flat in Brighton and grabbing him after he threatened to light a match .
4 A guy I ai n't worked for before said he wanted to use someone from up here to call on a man in Brighton and advise him to lay off some property .
5 A squad of armed and masked men had broken into MacCurtain 's home one night in March and shot him dead in front of his wife and children .
6 ‘ I want to know the identity of a man , I want to reach him , I want to put him in handcuffs and read him a charge of First Degree murder . ’
7 Years later , in exile , his former tutor , Augustin Filon , found him leaning against a window of the house in Chislehurst and asked him what he was looking at .
8 " Moustachio , " the US intelligence agent who had already visited him in February , returned.He met the Shah in the palace in Rabat and told him of all the dangers that the US systems would pose for him-lawsuits to find his money , congressional subpoenas and demonstrations .
9 I struck out feebly in self-defence and hit him across the chest , which increased his rage .
10 Pain and nausea swept over him in waves that left him hot and sticky and weak at the knees .
11 The alcohol had sapped the strength out of his jaw muscles so that the skin fell in folds and made him look like a tortoise .
12 He was buried the following day under the name of Wolfgang Gerhard , an Austrian Nazi who befriended him in Brazil and gave him his identity papers before returning to Vienna .
13 It would n't have occurred to you to leave Adam in peace and let him have a well-deserved weekend off , would it ?
14 An immediate offensive might have given victory in Scotland and enabled him to march into England , where Thomas Forster and the Earl of Derwentwater were trying to raise the northern shires on behalf of the Jacobites .
15 Law had indeed already done enough as leader to make his departure unthinkable and so a memorial was drawn up by Carson and signed by almost all the party 's backbenchers , stating full confidence in Law and begging him to stay on with a revised tariff policy .
16 With everything ready , I telephoned Brigadier Catto in England and told him about Daffodil Quentin and the touching little scene in the winners ' circle .
17 ‘ I understand from the Echo man that it was your paper in Nature that put him onto the track , ’ Kegan said maliciously .
18 The trip was a great success , the subsequent Travels in the West exhibition proving very popular in Nanjing and giving him his first taste of newspaper and television attention .
19 The assistance , however late in the day , gave Hewett a new lease of life ; he flew at Slatter , striking him so hard with his police stick that he split it in pieces and knocked him out .
20 But if he looks as though he may pounce on them , they shoot at him , and if they kill him , they cut him in pieces and roast him and regale themselves , repeating all the while , ‘ It is the Russians who are eating you , not us . ’
21 Judge Angus Stroyan sentenced him to 12 months in jail and banned him from driving for two years .
22 Mr Anderson therefore gave him the Hailing Ferry in perpetuity and set him up in a shed selling chandlery to the barge owners .
23 In February 1937 Marshal Göring visited Marshal Śmigły-Rydz in Warsaw and assured him that Germany had absolutely no territorial claims on the Polish Corridor and that Danzig , though ‘ eternally bound ’ to Poland by trade , would remain a Free City .
24 Having located the spot , which had to be served by a nearby airstrip , they rang Anthony Marangos in Paris and told him to call back in half an hour with the largest houses closest to the spot .
25 I 'll telephone someone I know in COBRA and ask him to meet us at Melbury Court . ’
26 I despaired when I heard Sir Geoffrey Howe , who was Foreign Secretary at the time , speak at the Tory Party Conference in October and heard him repeat the same old stock phrase : Britain will never make a deal over its hostages in Lebanon .
27 After further adventures in Spain , Nicholas had a dream in which his family were seen to be in trouble and needing him , so he returned to England , proceeded by a huge crate of the books collected on his travels .
28 I mean , he he he took two steps dug his foot in ground and give him one of them !
29 Ishan Dutta said Darius Guppy , best man to Princess Diana 's brother Charles in 1989 , phoned him in Bombay and asked him to pose as the owner of an Indian jewel company .
30 The final humiliation came when Branson and Draper flew out to Munich to see Oldfield perform in concert and bring him up to date on the current situation .
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