Example sentences of "in [noun] [verb] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 The first one was to the house in Colchester to ask if they 'd mind if I delayed my arrival by one more day .
2 Leading opposition figures in Bratislava say that they would like to see Mr Dubcek return to active , official politics .
3 Leading opposition figures in Bratislava say that they would like to see Mr Dubcek return to active , official politics .
4 Ceauşescu agreed to reverse the pay cuts that the men in effect faced because they could not cut enough coal to meet the Five Year Plan 's targets .
5 The housewives in question found that they were not especially fulfilled .
6 Moreover , Don Juan 's sympathies lay with the Allies , which contributed to making his followers in Spain believe that they could look to the Western democracies in general , and to Great Britain in particular , for support .
7 Now you 'll find there are a lot of perfectly honest traders in the Evening Post and the honest ones have put T in brackets to indicate that they are a trader .
8 A survey of teenage only children in Scotland found that they were the least likely to have played truant .
9 British representatives in Washington thought that they detected an American shift towards a more liberal interpretation of the MacMahon Act whereby closer collaboration with Britain could be defended in Congress as being in the United States ' best interests .
10 Mackintosh ( 1960 ) draws attention to an important aspect of the annual vertical migration that many species follow ; dispersing northward at the surface in summer , their descent to 400–600 m in winter ensures that they return south in the southward-flowing waters at those depths .
11 The Minister does not know the figures , but I shall tell him what farmers in Orkney found when they made simple inquiries .
12 Only the other day on ’ Panorama ’ Conservative councillors in Worcester said that they could not build new council houses without losing money .
13 Aeroflot 's transatlantic flights still need to land at Shannon airport in Ireland to refuel because they can not not carry enough fuel to complete the journey between New York and London .
14 Research in Texas on two sulphur compounds found in garlic discovered that they blocked the conversion of certain chemicals in the gut to carcinogens , inhibiting the first stages of tumour development .
15 It must also be right to have proper mechanisms in place to ensure that they get value for money .
16 Detectives in Bristol said that they are having to catch buses to investigate burglaries because of a shortage of police cars .
17 Stell 's owner , Gary Morrison , had complied with all the other requirements of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 , and had registered , insured , tattooed and electronically tagged his pet , but the court in Bristol stated that they had ‘ no option ’ but to order the destruction of the dog .
18 Controllers in Strasbourg said that they had lost radio contact with the airliner without warning and that no distress signals had been released .
19 LIBERAL Democrats meeting in Harrogate jeered when they heard the news .
20 That Kellynch Hall must be let , ‘ a beloved home made over to others ’ , is deeply felt ; but , within a few weeks of the Crofts ' arrival as tenants , Anne ‘ could not but in conscience feel that they were gone who deserved not to stay , and that Kellynch-hall had passed into better hands than its owners . ’
21 Modern methods of butchery militate against this ; drenching freshly slaughtered carcases in water means that they spoil more quickly , and weight-loss achieved as the meat hangs means less profit .
22 Eighty soldiers and 17 officers serving in Bosnia learned that they were losing their jobs .
23 FROM THE LONGMAN REGISTER OF NEW WORDS : advance man noun someone who makes arrangements for visits and appearances by an eminent person , and goes in advance to ensure that they proceed smoothly .
24 But the action they have taken , and threatened to take , in Derry indicates that they intend to force others to share it too .
25 These were ‘ renewals ’ which in theory meant that they replaced old coaches , possibly ones dating from the start of the ‘ narrow ’ gauge .
26 The intention to resolve disputes with Libya , notably over the Aouzou strip , although formalized in the agreement on Aug. 31 , 1989 ( see p. 36841 ) , was obstructed by repeated allegations that Libya was supporting anti-regime forces and factions ( although in the wake of that agreement some anti-Habre groups in Tripoli reported that they had been asked to leave ) , and by the Libyan insistence that Chad should return some 2,000 Libyan prisoners of war ( see also p. 37114 ) .
27 According to Christian de Juniac , of the Boston Consulting Group , banks ' experience in Europe suggests that they also have other advantages over insurers .
28 St Bartholomew 's church at Covenham was declining to the state of danger when a parish in California asked if they might have it and ship it stone by stone to the U.S.A. This caused much controversy for a while but finally it was decided that it should remain and be safely maintained on its original consecrated site .
29 Yet most of the key figures in government concluded that they had no choice but to try to work even more closely with the United States , whatever their feelings on the subject of Suez .
30 The second is organicism : that is , Conservatives regard society as ‘ a unitary , natural growth , an organized living whole not a mechanical aggregate ’ , which in turn implies that they are resistant to arguments which reduce society to component parts like classes or atomistic individuals .
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