Example sentences of "be [that] it is [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A more likely suggestion would be that it is evidence of the estate workers continuing to live on the site and work the land long after the owners , managers or bailiffs had departed .
2 When pecuniary losses are added the outcome of an assessment of the plaintiff 's damage may be that it is worth , say , between £8,000 and £10,500 .
3 Our hypothesis is that it is consideration of the value base underlying the intervention which helps towards greater conceptual clarity about preventive work .
4 You see , the point about a magnum is that it is metal psychology : it scares the shit out of the guy it is aimed at , it makes the guy who holds it feel really proud . ’
5 What is different about the Gwithian plant is that it is part of a reclamation operation .
6 However , we think that the characteristic of a " revolutionary feminism " is that it is part of a project for the transformation of society .
7 But what singles out this house , with its traditional porch and overhanging attic rooms , is that it is part of a way in which people with learning difficulties in the USA are security the ordinary life which the rhetoric of policy makers and politicians promises them but often fails to deliver .
8 Butler 's view is that it is conscience , which .
9 But the critical thing with I twelve as the policy 's currently drafted is that it is location specific .
10 ( n contrast both to the genetically based view of literary history which tends to ignore questions of form , and to other formally-biased approaches which tend to ignore history , the Russian Formalist view is that it is history itself which allows the specificity of literature to be established .
11 An alternative conventional definition of pornography is that it is art designed to excite and to some degree to satisfy sexual arousal .
12 Her answer is that ‘ The whole point of a duty is that it is bounden or binding ’ ( 1983 : 52 ) .
13 The first thing to realize ( in Kant 's opinion ) about moral action is that it is action done out of respect for duty as such , that is for a system of categorical imperatives recognised as binding on every rational agent whatever his desires and feelings happen to be .
14 The argument here is that it is tax schedules as shown in Table 16.6 , widely publicized in newspapers and annual tax returns , which form the basis for the ordinary citizen 's notion of tax burden .
15 Well , I , I , the , the , the great thing about it , and this is , this is where so many press releases go wrong , the great thing about this one is that it is brevity .
16 An important lesson that has been learnt from the Beck case is that it is time for art historians to stop standing by in cowardice and make responsible evaluations of the restoration techniques used .
17 Mannheim 's message is that it is time to move from a Newtonian to an Einsteinian social universe .
18 And our main concern is that it is victimization , the unemployed , in some cases , it will also victimize the sick and the disabled .
19 Indeed , the very concrete physicality of objects might lead us to expect quite the opposite conclusion , which is that it is language which organizes the deep unconscious , while objects as visible images are a relatively superficial phenomenon .
20 Perhaps a more important advantage of Solvent Free Varnish is that it is touch dry in 20 minutes , and ready for a further coat in two hours .
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