Example sentences of "be [that] [pron] [vb past] that " in BNC.

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1 It may well be that he considered that it was not the right thing for him to do , after all , he was a good Jew and why should he marry a Moabite .
2 Putting the government 's abandonment of the PWRs in the context of the study , the conclusion must be that it decided that , under market force rules , carbon dioxide had to be allowed to win the day over nuclear power .
3 We also showed that grade two do significantly better than grade three , but most importantly perhaps is that we showed that patients with a vascular count that are less than twenty one do significantly better than patients with a vascular count of greater or equal to twenty one .
4 What is certain is that they discovered that electrical stimulation of some parts of the cortex caused movements in the limbs on the opposite side of the body from the part of the brain that had been stimulated .
5 Perhaps the best proof that the previous figures were flawed is that they suggested that Asia 's weight in world output had fallen from 7.9% in 1985 to 7.2% in 1990 , although it was by far the fastest growing region .
6 Now there was one other thing if you would care to take it is that you said that it would involve a great deal of organization for concessionary tickets for Alton Towers or Tussauds or any others .
7 So it will not do to say that the reason why the Government found it necessary to curtail debate on the Bill was that they felt that there would be massive opposition to it .
8 What distinguished Lenin and his party was that they saw that in Russia liberal rule could be overthrown while capitalism was still in its infancy .
9 But , as indicated above , the real importance of the singularity theorems was that they showed that the gravitational field must become so strong that quantum gravitational effects could not be ignored .
10 The reason the Parish Council objected to the structure plan was that they considered that the structure plan itself was beginning to represent a statutory commitment a statutory commitment to a road to the north of Knaresborough .
11 And our feeling , if if my memory serves me right , was that we felt that our site safety courses were adequate and gave
12 The challenge with which we were faced on the day of the ‘ Fresh Start ’ Motion was that we knew that a very full House , which had come to hear the prime minister 's Maastricht statement , would deplete rapidly after he was finished , as the business to follow — a debate on the Earth Summit — was not very controversial .
13 Because you know money-wise because we were not content to sit back and see er schemes being introduced that , which were going to act as a deterrent to er our members er being able to earn wages er on incentives and so therefore erm what happened was that we agreed that the consultants er head personnel manager would come down and talk to each group of people who were being put on to the incentive scheme , one , in order that he go over everything with them in regard to its application , and two , then answer any practical questions er where our members may find that there could be difficulties .
14 The reason she gave for this was that she felt that experiencing repeated failure was bad for pupils .
15 Mr Ponting 's case for sending the documents was that he felt that they showed that Parliament was being misled and misinformed about the Belgrano affair .
16 ‘ Maybe what upset Dustin was that he knew that , although he was the better actor , Steve 's performance in Papillon was superior , ’ commented Norman Jewison , who had directed McQueen in The Cincinnati Kid and The Thomas Crown Affair , but who never worked with Dustin .
17 All I could think of was that I knew that a Lee Metford was the forerunner of the Lee Enfield .303 rifle and almost became standard issue to the British army before WW1 .
18 The next point that upset him was that I said that unlike the American President , the Prime Minister was relieved of a great deal of official ceremonial by the Queen and Prince Philip .
19 One of the reasons why I was in favour of televising the House and Committees was that I thought that it might be a good idea for the public to see Standing Committees , with Ministers doing their mail and others trying to hold up the business .
20 I can not explain this sentiment unless it was that I observed that the members of the household appeared not to have perfectly learned their parts and also that having seen and known the Emperor for so many years in such a totally different position , his present one looked like a dream or a play ; but when each actor becomes acclimatized by time it will be a magnificent Court , with a Sovereign who will command the attention of all Europe .
21 The consequence , for me at least , was that I reckoned that the earthquake account for 1992 had , so to speak , been settled , and that we were in the clear for a year or so .
22 The genius of the Council of Chalcedon , in saying that Jesus is one person in both divine and human natures , was that it denied that the incarnation implied anything about the nature of God ( the meaning of ‘ God ’ ) , asserting simply that God , the mystery of Creation , is become a human being — not a divine kind of human being but a human kind of human being .
23 The most important point to come out of the Crabb affair was that it showed that the intelligence services were prepared to carry out operations contrary to the direct orders of the prime minister who was in charge of them .
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