Example sentences of "be [that] [pron] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It er it , we , certainly the expansion of Tadcaster has been looked at quite thoroughly , though not only by the local authorities , but by the private sector , and the , and I think the the agreement has been that it it is not possible at the scale which is required to meet the needs of Greater York .
2 It may be that what we are protecting children from is not so much the awful consequences of their ignorant decisions but of the burden of responsibility for those decisions which children are not yet ready to bear and which , for entirely non-political reasons , we can not choose to impose upon them .
3 The riposte must be that what it is coming to is that it is now technically possible to perform that operation , and naturally a huge demand for it has developed .
4 Could it be that what he was feeling was a kind of envy , in the sense that he 'd brought her here , to a place that he felt he 'd made his own , and in a matter of weeks she 'd already grown closer to it than he could ever hope to be ?
5 With my leg , it 's that it there 's no
6 The corollary of this position is that whatever we are not , that is what the others are .
7 And the truth is that whatever it is that has been unleashed , it 's barely out of the box . ’
8 That , part of th , of the issue I think about us , perhaps feeling that we do n't have traditions th is that we we are still rediscovering our own history , and I think a lot of traditions grow out of historical events or historical personages .
9 Erm as to the assertion that Harrogate wants office jobs and not industrial jobs , and I think the main point there is that we we 're simply trying to achieve jobs to meet the needs of our resident workforce .
10 No no and we even if we were offered them we would n't take them because the logic of the thing is that what we 're trying to show is a medieval house as it looked when it was nearly new .
11 You 're wanting to produce a certificate for the kids is that what you 're talking about ?
12 Yes it 's such a disgrace , is that what you 're saying ?
13 It 's steamed up between the layers is that what you 're looking at .
14 Do you smell another little dog is that what it is ?
15 That 's actually a times , multiply , so what you do is that N times that bracket times N times that bracket and then the whole lot is square rooted I 'll come on to that shortly Another way of thinking about erm the product moment correlation is that what it 's doing , it 's putting the line of best bet through the data .
16 Well I would n't actually say nobody 's excited about it I mean I think that the way these things happen is that they they 're gradual rather than er
17 An obvious difference is that one who is enjoying the sight of the gibbons will be intensely aware of their small black faces and long black fingers showing up against white fur , of their swift agile leaps and the poise of their immensely long arms at the moments when they balance perfectly still .
18 The privity of contract principle is that someone who is not privy to ( i.e. not a party to ) a contract can neither rely upon the contract nor be bound by it .
19 My Lords , with that er oh , and I 've one more thing to say which is that there there are is a series of amendments in the next group , twenty-three to five and twenty-eight to thirty which are in f in fact consequential on some of the amendments in th in this earlier group and er if er er some of these amendments were to be carried , er then I think the Committee would have to consider whether to er also to agree er to amendments in the in in the following group of amendments .
20 Hambledon District Council believes that insufficient regard has been payed erm to these issues erm in the structure plan alteration , in paragraph thirty three the P P G sets down a list of criteria erm to which local authorities er should refer erm , I 'll erm refer specifically to er to three of them and I and and comeback to them as I go through erm erm what I want to say , erm the first one I draw that I would draw the panel 's attention to is erm that the alternative of the expansion of existing towns or villages should represent a less satisfactory method at providing the land for housing that is needed , and it 's a rhetorical question really here , erm and w we would ask that erm if there has n't been a comparative appraisal erm of the two options , and how could there be , there 's no erm district or areas been identified , how can we be certain that one option is better than another under the terms of that er criterion , erm the oth second point we would draw the panel 's attention is that the proposal is a clear expression of local preference supported by the local planning authorities , and again I would emphasize there that Hambledon District Council objects , and the third one is the option of a new settlement in preference to the alternative would result in positive environmental improvements , and I 'll return to that erm briefly in relation to er to Hambledon , P P G twelve erm paragraph six one four that 's been referred to it , includes a check list of issues against which areas in for new development in general er need to be er considered , with particular reference for reducing the need for travel , erm amongst these issues that the P P G asked the Councils to take into account erm are that development should make full and effective use of land within existing urban areas , that developments er should consider development patterns that are closely related to public transport net networks , and in relation to housing , and that housing is located in such a way as to minimize car use for journeys to work , school , and other local facilities , P P G thirteen , and I would expect erm I would agree with what Mr Donson has said here , is that it it 's draft and obviously one has to put the appropriate weight on it , but erm this reinforces and expands upon erm established government policy , reducing the need for travel , erm I do n't think it 's necessary for me to go into er the quotes in detail , I think that those have been er been touched on , erm , however , I would say erm that Hambledon District Council believes that the advice in draft P P G thirteen is much less supportive of new settlements , it suggests that greater weight must be given to the environmental implications of the additional traffic generated by new settlements erm this is , erm we believe , particularly important in view of the fact that a new settlement for York is unlikely to be self contained , and by its nature many of the residents will still look to York for essential services , social links , and employment , turning to the residual requirement , erm we have a concern over this , erm clearly a new settlement is intended to mop up any residual requirement which the er policy sets at fourteen hundred dwellings , we 've heard evidence from York today that er the city can accommodate erm more erm houses than was originally envisaged , which brings the residual requirement to erm about the minimum size specified by the County Council as being erm about the right level erm to make a s a new settlement self supporting , however , we would point out that there is still the possibility of erm further peripheral development around York , the greenbelt local plan and Southern Ryedale local plan er have not yet been statutory adopted , the inspector has n't reported on those , we do n't know what he 's going to say about sites er which were at issue , or on the need for flexibility between the inner erm boundary of the greenbelt and the city , irrespective of course of what the inspector says , erm being not yet statutory adopted the County and Ryedale will still have the opportunity to consider , reconsider there policies there , but putting that aside for the present , erm even if it is established that er the requirement for nine thousand seven hundred houses erm ca n't a occupied by er can be accommodated by er peripheral development , erm this does n't it does n't necessarily follow that the answer has to be a new settlement , we heard yesterday in erm great detail that erm environmental considerations have justified a reduction in the rate of development in other districts , erm in the county , I would point out that a relatively modest reduction erm in the inward migration to Ryedale , Selby , and York , could mop up the residual requirement , if one looks at erm the reasons for the greenbelt it is perhaps surprising that given the importance attached to maintaining its historic form and character that this is not an issue erm that 's been considered .
21 And as I say the curiosity is that it it was actually addressed to Mansfield .
22 One thing that can be said about is that he he 's never drab .
23 I will because Mr Mayor I think that councillor started off his response to this by talking about ghettos and a lot of differences between the better off and the worst off and I , the feeling I got from his speech was that what he was actually driving at was he was attempting to perpetuate the class distinction that the Labour party have been so bound up with over the years .
24 What puzzled Jack was that he himself was very happy at Bradley Fold West and he had settled into the routine and managed the duties without any problems .
25 And the bitterest irony of all was that he himself was a victim .
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