Example sentences of "be [adv prt] [prep] we [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So it 's going to be up to us to show them how mistaken they are . ’
2 ‘ So it 's up to us to heal the breach , ’ Louise urged .
3 ‘ The same thing happened to Arsenal last season after Benfica knocked them out , of the European Cup , but they came with a late run and it 's up to us to do the same .
4 But in captivity there 's nowhere for them to run , so it 's up to us to see they do n't hurt each other badly . ’
5 ‘ We have been given another chance and it 's up to us to take it . ’
6 Now , as Britain 's No 1 feed company — it 's up to us to maximise our geographical and premier status in the years ahead .
7 But now it 's up to us to lift ourselves out of it . ’
8 And it 's up to us to negotiate what the potential amount they want .
9 It 's up to us to inform them .
10 It 's up to us to make it as perfect as possible .
11 Basically the system is our cover note book control , er , we issue cover note books to agents and it 's up to us to make sure that they 're all issued in sequence , as their legal documents etc , and a minute a gap comes up we have to chase them etc , it 's run by erm , people quite low units and they scared of a job and tend to put it off as lose , and I want to visit and try and influence them so I can give them some help and to change it and bring it up to date , because it 's er .
12 In the meantime , we 've got a lot going for us here , and it 's up to us to make the most of it .
13 Celtic will be even more fired up than usual after the events of last weekend and it 's up to us to make sure there 's no backlash . ’
14 ‘ It 's up to us to overturn the deficit without any outside help .
15 It 's up to us to wrap our technology around their business , ’ Carroll said .
16 It 's up to us to help them .
17 For the most part , it 's up to us to follow David Stubbs 's advice : leave and let loose this place , ad drift to the moon .
18 IT 'S up to us to produce better movies .
19 As we have so much control in forming a horse 's habits it is up to us to teach it good ones ; and not through our own lack of thought or knowledge , or want of kindness and sensitivity , impair the horse ; or even worse , teach it such bad habits that its life will be a misery to itself or others .
20 ‘ Oldham like to attack but then naturally there is a chance they can be caught out at the back so it is up to us to exploit that . ’
21 ‘ Apparently , it is up to us to uphold the high standards of Riverbank . ’
22 It is up to us to ensure they get the right information about our hobby .
23 Beauty does not lie in our path , thought Davide , as he walked on ; it is up to us to make it , to find the harmonious balance , and the pleasant story .
24 It is up to us to encourage them to come forward with ideas , then follow them up .
25 Now it is up to us to get customers back . ’
26 ‘ It is up to us to bring the levels of professionalism we were used to into this club . ’
27 Mike said : ‘ It is up to us to keep a finger on the environmental pulse of the plants and to seek continuous improvement .
28 I told my friend Bridget it was up to us to keep watch .
29 Ryan was one of our own , you might say , came from the village , so it was up to us to try and put it right .
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