Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 More than ninety teachers ' jobs are to go in Gloucestershire as a result of spending cuts .
2 Sadly , Arthur Hellyer is also no longer with us , he died last week at the age of 90 ; two of his titles are to appear from Hamlyn in March : The Hellyer Pocket Guide ( £4.99 ) and The Hellyer Gardening Encyclopedia ( £14.99 , 0 600 57645 0 ) .
3 The Galileo group of end users and system integrators pushing for a common graphical front-end on different types of computers are to meet during UniForum in San Francisco this month : a couple of the Baby Bells and Mitre Corp are said to be latest converts to the cause .
4 Staff from branches of Midland and Lloyds in the North-East are to meet in Newcastle on Thursday to discuss the planned takeover .
5 The interior ministers of Peru , Bolivia and Colombia and representatives of Spain , France and Italy are to meet in Madrid in two weeks ' time to discuss drug trafficking .
6 ‘ We are to leave for Nottingham at first light . ’
7 They 've a long way to go if one of these youngsters are to compete at Sydney in the year 2 000 … but already they 've claimed a notable scalp .
8 Many such individuals , from Alexander Raven Thomson in the leadership to fascist rank-and-file like Jeffrey Hamm and Robert Row , were deeply committed entrants into the movement who were to stand by Mosley through all his trials and tribulations .
9 At the local level control was taken away from the School Boards and put into the hands of local councils who were to serve as LEAs in their own areas .
10 Thereafter sessions were to revert to Bonn pending a decision on the final seat of parliament [ see pp. 37661 ; 37832 ] .
11 IF BILL CLINTON were to look to Florida for advice on how to pass a health-care bill , the answer might come back in the words of Lyndon Johnson : better to have your enemies inside your tent pissing out , than outside pissing in .
12 Our trip , in August 1968 , was to be in the utmost secrecy and we were to fly to Johannesburg under the names of Mr Aitken and Mr Goodman .
13 If you were to fly to Athens for the first time and take a taxi to an address in the city , you would be unable to assess whether the route was circuitous , or the baggage charge was normal .
14 They were told by Jesus not to speculate about the time when God would bring in the kingdom in all its fullness , but , once they had received the Holy Spirit , they were to witness to Jesus in Jerusalem , Judaea , Samaria , and throughout the world ( Acts 1:8 ) .
15 In a West Country summer whose consequences were to stay with Coleridge for the rest of his life the most significant event was yet to come .
16 Our plans were to stay in Arad for two nights , deliver food and goods to a gypsy community close by , visit the church with which we have a link with and then continue our journey to Bucharest ( the final 380 miles ) on Wednesday .
17 Eventually these advantages were to tell against England in the war , but in its early phases such disparity was of less account , and the ability of the two kings to mobilize the financial resources of their realms and to command the support of the nobility was to be of greater consequence .
18 If the worst conceivable accident were to occur in Britain at a nuclear power station , one million men , women and children would die .
19 Foreign Affairs Minister Paavo Väyrynen announced on Sept. 23 , after discussions at the UN in New York with his Soviet counterpart Boris Pankin , that negotiations were to begin in October between Finland and the Soviet Union on a new treaty basis for their bilateral relations .
20 His sympathies lay with the independents such as Henderson and Nixon ( who at one point in the 1930s constituted , in the absence of the nationalists , the official opposition at Stormont ) , but the Unionists had not yet shown the degree of liberalism they were to show under O'Neill in the 1960s and Paisley confined himself to promoting various ‘ ginger group ’ enterprises on the margins of politics .
21 Euronews is to transmit across Europe in English , French , German , Italian and Spanish , paid for wholly by subsidies from the Community budget .
22 The conflict between actively fashioning language and allowing oneself to be constructed by conventional systems is provisionally resolved by valorizing submissiveness as Christian humility , but present are the basic elements of a dilemma which is to remain with Brooke-Rose for several decades .
23 Work is to restart in June on the controversial Flambeau River copper mine project , in Wisconsin .
24 You tell me about Caduta 's tits and I 'll tell you everything there is to know about Doris in the sack .
25 ONE OF the world 's major orchid shows is to open in Glasgow in May , in spite of the event 's having been dubbed a fiasco less than a month ago .
26 ‘ I 'm only one of the selectors , of course , but when we get back home we will have to start sorting out what our best team is to play against Australia during the summer .
27 WARREN SPRING Laboratory is to merge with AEA in a move that will result in the establishment of a National Environmental Technology Centre .
28 Sun Express will use a CLS warehouse in Belgium to distribute in Europe shortly , although the eventual plan is to locate in Holland alongside the tele-sales operation , possibly at Montfoort , where SMCC 's new delivery centre has opened ( UX No 400 ) .
29 The car is to return to Blackpool for the Centenary in 1985 .
30 East Lothian is part of Edinburgh 's hinterland , yet most of the district is to join with Berwickshire in a new council .
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