Example sentences of "be [v-ing] off [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now enlightened farmers are fencing off and replanting areas which can he selectively utilised for animal feeding .
2 They said that was n't possible and I think I 'm the same opinion as Harry if you 're writing off and stop them going down Station Lane they 'll probably withdraw it altogether .
3 They 've been to bed and got up in the morning , and now they 're going off and doing things , like going to work and that .
4 Should n't say things like that , I suppose , ’ he simpered , ‘ but all my friends are going off and doing it .
5 Alright alright alright , I 'm turning off and going to work .
6 There 's at least two other poor sods trudging around in the wet when they could be clocking off and going home .
7 After two or three minutes , by which time the typists were switching off and covering up their machines , Alan emerged from his office and handed Sylvia a cassette .
8 If you were at Gatwick recently and wondered why all the planes were taking off and landing on the taxi-way , well it was all because of Rentokil Hygiene .
9 any more any more trouble even though she 's not getting into bad trouble as such it 's going off and coming home
10 I said what would I like to say , disgusted with the way he 's been treated , I said my father left intensive care at one o'clock on Friday , we was told he was gon na leave there at four o'clock to go home and have a meal and be with him when he went on the ward , when we came back , he 'd been moved , he 'd gone on the ward , he was plonked in the chair , his catheter was on his lap , it had leaked all over him , his dressing was hanging off and seeping with green stuff the wound on his leg was run all down over his foot , he 'd got no cover on his seat so he could see , Dave said they looked and they did n't look very bloody nice
11 Pat O'Keefe slipped and fell as the boat was setting off and injured his hand as he plunged six feet over the side of the harbour , and had to be rescued by the crowd of journalists who had gathered to see Jack off .
12 Leaping off the bed I hurtled up to the rod which by now was screaming off and picking it up I felt the line pluck nicely through my fingers ; knowing that it must be a cat on the other end gave me a real thrill .
13 He was backing off and looking around when Carson said , ‘ Where will you go ? ’
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