Example sentences of "be [v-ing] for [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 POLICE in Paisley are hunting for thieves who broke into a house while a father was with his two children visiting their seriously ill mother in hospital .
2 Police are searching for thieves who broke into a house in Corporation Road and stole a video recorder and jewellery worth £550 .
3 They are searching for passengers who made the first ever trip with them to Jersey 40 years ago .
4 They are searching for passengers who made the first ever trip with them to Jersey 40 years ago .
5 ‘ People are looking for values which have nothing to do with success . ’
6 If you are looking for models there are some specific examples in the guide .
7 We are looking for persons who can work both individually and in teams , and capable of conducting research from the definition of a project to the final writing up of the results .
8 We are looking for individuals who are adaptable and flexible , who live in the real world of the present and can cope adequately with whatever problems and difficulties it presents .
9 We are looking for individuals who are able to strive for satisfaction , but who are also able to defend and protect themselves from disappointments and setbacks .
10 Certainly , we are looking for individuals who can accept responsibility both for themselves and others , who can use their initiative to control events rather than drift aimlessly through life .
11 We are looking for individuals who feel reasonably content with their present lives , although perhaps with lots of unfinished business to complete .
12 Again , therefore , we are looking for explanations which combine Marx with the insights of writers such as LeBon and Freud .
13 Police are looking for thieves who broke into a car in Catterick Village , near Richmond , and stole various tools worth a total value of about £700 .
14 Whitby police are looking for thieves who preyed on an elderly woman living alone and made off with family heirlooms worth £15,000 .
15 Police in the Wear Valley are looking for thieves who have struck in a number of gardens and stolen ornamental garden furniture .
16 We 're looking for Scientists who do n't always want to be just Scientists
17 beginning to go , when they 're looking for members it was important to get er high involvement in this .
18 Equally if you 've got erm I do n't know what other kinds of differences you might want to erm er look for but again if you 're looking for differences it helps if there 's about sort of twenty people in each of the groups sort of thing .
19 If they 're at school and they 're studying for exams they may not be a la , you know , possible for them to play both days .
20 Operating expenditure should not be financed by borrowing ; if it is then future taxpayers are paying for services they will not benefit from .
21 These days more and more of us are going for names we can trust — household names like Matchbox for instance which we remember from our own childhood .
22 Cordless power-tools are doing for woodworkers what Fast Food did for the High Street over a decade ago .
23 I said to the local authorities in September that from now on I will be looking for schemes which encourage cycling — they 're more likely to attract grants from central government than authorities which concentrate exclusively on roads .
24 Senior managers , on the other hand , mindful of the resource implications of the assessment responsibility which has been placed on their departments , may be looking for systems which will contain within manageable resource limits the potentially very high assessment workload for their staff .
25 — They 'll be looking for fingerprints I suppose : threads from his coat and that . ’
26 Sometimes you will be caring for clients who may be physically or verbally abusive , or unpleasant in their personal habits .
27 Not to apologize — that would be asking for explanations he was n't able to give right now — but to see that she was all right .
28 And the , the , the laugh I had was er , the last time they were advertising for spoolers they , you had to have I think it was O levels or something ,
29 Police are appealing for witnesses who may have seen the van being parked to come forward .
30 And police are appealing for witnesses who may have seen anyone acting suspiciously .
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