Example sentences of "be [v-ing] and [pron] were " in BNC.

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1 Well they did n't want to recognize I recognize the union you see and when , when everyone really knew what we should be having and what were paying , and of course erm it caused a bit of bitterness and resentment against those who would n't join , but er that , that 's what causes the trouble nowadays is n't it and it 's , it 's a sad thing really , but on the whole erm I 've enjoyed everyw everywhere I 've been .
2 Around its base , palm-trees were growing and there were a few houses built of clay .
3 The children knew that the little bunnies were coming and they were so careful of the mother when they fed her with lettuce and cabbage .
4 Nigel would pretend to patronise me , and I would pretend I was n't clever enough to notice ; and he would be swankier than he really was , and I would be more boring ; but we knew what we were doing and we were friends .
5 They knew what they were doing and they were getting hits from it , whereas we are an experimental albums band . ’
6 ‘ If you remember , Luke Scott was with us for six months as a favour to the station 's director-general , who was a friend of his , because our listenership figures were dropping and we were losing advertising .
7 last week , they went past me in car , they were pipping and they were both together , she were driving .
8 Although Pittsburgh was severely hit by the decline in the steel industry , its tertiary and quaternary sectors were thriving and there were demands on the city to respond to and cater for the large number of firms locating and expanding their professional and managerial activities there .
9 The green man was flashing and we were crossing it and it just li I had to jump back onto the pavement !
10 I was laughing and you were getting the hump with it cos I knew I had it all on tape .
11 The wall was crumbling and there were great gaps in it .
12 and Jim was lawnmowing and you were doing hard labour with Matt
13 Back down the beach , the Big Wheel was turning and there were even queues waiting to get on .
14 For instance , we were making a film about how well a particular local authority was doing and we were planning to shoot the thundering morning turn-out of dozens of heavy cleaning trucks at five o'clock in the morning .
15 I told all my friends what I was doing and they were supportive , although one or two wondered why I could n't do it by myself .
16 The sun was shining and they were warm on the pretty little balcony with its boxes of flowers .
17 ‘ One girl was crying and we were holding our heads up to get air , ’ said Emma .
18 An orchestra was playing and they were served tea .
19 well say Kate was talking and you were talking , and you wrote their names down , they wo n't know who 's who
20 The sun was setting and there were moments when I , too , felt like ‘ stout Cortés ’ and thought I could see the Pacific .
21 Two previews later — it was blizzarding and they were less than packed houses — we drove back to Madison and I crashed out .
22 By now public anger in America was mounting and there were demands for Reagan to turn his cosy rhetoric into action .
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