Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [adv] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 It seems as if the top 10 firms are walking off with all the prizes these days — literally .
2 I work at a distribution centre , where there is continuous shiftwork , which means that women and men are walking home at all hours of day and night often taking short-cuts across playing fields and waste land , totally unaware of the potential dangers .
3 It was a birthday treat he had been looking forward to all week .
4 He warned the Conservatives and Labour that ‘ from the ancient bastion of liberalism , the flames are fanning out in all directions , consuming your shabby campaigns , your out-of-date policies , your visions of the future ’ .
5 You 'll have to excuse it being a bit cold cos we 're walking around with all windows
6 I 'm still getting over the shock of discovering you 're living together at all . ’
7 Erm again , you say that you 're going round to all the schools and what have you , and again , this can only be extremely good because , after all , this is where
8 If not , give me a phone sometime , and let me know if you 're coming through at all .
9 But you 've decided why you , you 're just rising to the bait then are n't you , if these arguments are between you , and you 're coming out with all this , it just makes you look stupid because you 're , you 're into , are n't you ?
10 I do n't know why we 're standing here for all these fools to gape at .
11 The thing is I mean if you turn round and just say to them well they 're messing about with all the hours we 've put it down to the erm
12 ALASTAIR McHARG , the celebrated Scotland lock , capped 44 times from 1968 to 1979 , has been sounding off in all directions over the small number of his London Scots chosen for the coming Scottish tour of Australia .
13 What he 'd been leading up to all week ?
14 Offers of help have been pouring in from all quarters , with the director of the Victoria and Albert Museum , Elizabeth Esteve-Coll putting her conservation department at the ready to assist , and the Secretary of State for National Heritage , Peter Brooke , conceded that his department would be responsible for financing the repair bill .
15 ‘ You are going nowhere at all , ’ he assured her grimly , looking down at her as he sat her on the bed , her legs on top of the sheets , and she was too busy trying to make sure she did n't faint to consider how she looked .
16 There is no consistent air movement , and the seeds are drifting outwards in all directions from the tree .
17 The economic seesaw has hit the ground with a bone-juddering thud yet again — jobs are flying off in all directions as redundancies explode , industries contract and small businesses collapse .
18 The Empire is crumbling into civil war , Daemons are popping up on all sides , and who 's to say that the Great Enchanter does n't have a hand in it somewhere ?
19 Unfortunately , they are doing so alongside all the inherited pseudo-science and woolly thinking , the pretentious massing of obscure and unreliable ( and unreliably dated ) data which have traditionally marked Velokovskianism off from more orthodox science .
20 For the past two days he had been saying so to all who would listen .
21 In about ten minutes time we 'll be catching up with all the local football league results .
22 If it has happened in the past , it can happen in the future , and may be occurring now for all we know .
23 All at once , I was in a wild fury of rage : I saw , not Nonni , but all the foolish and ignorant people who seemed at this moment to be conspiring together against all the forces of right and reason to poison and destroy the world .
24 Thinking of , for example , those summer vacation sessions you used to have with the Berlin players in Saint-Moritz in the 1960s and '70s , I am sure one day people are going to be looking back to all this as some great Golden Age that has now gone for good .
25 Janice looks ashen with worry , and does n't see me although she appears to be looking hardest of all .
26 ‘ I 'm looking forward to all our matches coming up .
27 And now it looked as though she would n't be living here after all .
28 ‘ It 's ridiculous for them to be living there at all , of course .
29 When he opened the door and saw who 'd come for him he did n't expect to be waking up at all .
30 ‘ This is not the way we believe it should be going forward at all , ’ Dr Armstrong said .
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