Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indications of Mr Mandela 's growing political stature in the eyes of the government have been accumulating for some time .
2 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
3 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
4 It makes it easier , in principle , to ‘ see ’ how many hypotheses are competing for some portion of an utterance , for example , and to decide which are the most promising given the evidence .
5 Bernard and Laura escaped on to their sailing boat for much of the summer , a yacht they had been enjoying for some years now , and they pottered around Mykonos in Greece .
6 Nurses who have been nursing for some time are likely to have reached the stage where much of what they do has become automatic , that is , carried out without conscious thought or awareness .
7 Since the department since the regional office has been suggesting for some time , or throughout the entire process of this structure plan alteration , that erm an exceptions policy should be considered by the erm county council , I think it would be consistent that we would anticipate the panel could reach a conclusion on the inclusion of the major exceptions policy as part of this alteration .
8 In contemporary England written language takes precedence , for instance , in a legal context — a written contract being more binding than a spoken agreement — while in Scotland verbal contracts are binding in some cases .
9 If a patent were to be granted to the second business , it could prevent the first from using what it has already been using for some time .
10 Division Two of this event is probably best left to Tom Jones 's Sadler 's Wells newcomer Alyakkh , about whom local work-watchers have been cooing for some time .
11 The London General Omnibus Company had been experimenting for some years and , in 1910 introduced to the streets of London , their ‘ B ’ type , petrol engined , double-decker , opened top buses .
12 I mean if , if they are in bed , I mean if they are there they are resting to some extent , even if they 're sort of awake but
13 The AEEU Scottish organiser , Harry McLevy , said he thought both sides had been inching towards some sort of agreement .
14 ‘ I do n't know what he meant , ’ Allen said after they had been walking for some time on the soft turf at the verge of the track .
15 Our fellow-traveller had been mumbling for some time that he would ‘ hae tae get oot ! ’ .
16 So I should n't think he 's been driving for some time and
17 That has been happening for some time , but the Secretary of State and the Minister should know that .
18 On the contrary , the country had been smouldering for some time .
19 It was in these unpromising circumstances that the great cholera controversy , which had been smouldering for some time , at last burst into flame .
20 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
21 This was reportedly a concession which US oil companies had been seeking for some time .
22 They are not as effective or fast acting and are damaging to some surfaces particularly aluminium .
23 My wife has been looking at some furniture catalogues and tells me we would need about £1000 per chair .
24 For the first time she recognized that secretly she had been looking for some way out for herself and Midnight .
25 The City and the Confederation of British Industry had been looking for some indication of earlier participation in the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS .
26 He has been writing for some time , starting with horror , and has more recently turned to the psychological thriller .
27 Reagan hammered away at themes which he had been developing for some years and which would be wheeled out every time he ran for public office .
28 The zoo is now considering a number of proposals which includes one submitted by the staff and another by New Zoo Developments Ltd. along with an in-house plan which the Society has been developing for some time .
29 Their meaning is not easily grasped by those who have spent some time studying the Christian faith , and yet the church still presents these complicated extracts from the Bible and the ASB to people who may never have heard the name of God spoken reverently before , and who are searching for some germ of belief to help them understand the vacuum created by the death of the person they love .
30 My hon. Friend will be aware that the commuters in Kent are looking for some advantages from the channel tunnel rail link .
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