Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [prep] [art] country " in BNC.

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1 The whole South Sussex team had been driving round the country in a vast aluminium horse box , evidently the latest thing in America , and Kevin had provided each player with four top-class ponies .
2 There is no doubt that that has been happening in the country at large and that they have now been rumbled .
3 He said to protesters : ‘ I think the Timex situation is an indication of what has been happening in the country over the last 10 to 15 years . ’
4 What I would say is there are instances that have been happening around the country in the last year , where both doctors , G Ps , and nurses have actually said , you 're not doing that .
5 That is not to say the process is not quicker when you are living in the country concerned .
6 I 'd been living in the country with my wife when she died unexpectedly .
7 For many people in Britain , ethnic relations means immigration and the apparent belief that large numbers of people are pouring into the country and making it overcrowded .
8 Large lapel buttons have been selling across the country depicting a white man in front of three other men : an Oriental wearing a coolie hat , a Sikh in a turban and a black man clutching a spear .
9 Enquiries come from people who are retiring , are moving to the country , or simply want to restore buildings as a hobby .
10 So I could n't agree more , and that will be taken up in the fairly near future , following the information that I 've been gathering in the various meetings that I 've been having round the country on this .
11 The President could issue decrees which would be binding throughout the country .
12 If we had really reached a state where a bloody and unprovoked attack on four unarmed members of our police provoked only glee and pleasure in the public then neither I , nor anyone else , would be living in a country we recognised .
13 Here you are , about to be launched in your own right as a successful couturière and I 'm living in a country thousands of miles away , helping to manage a thoroughbred farm . ’
14 I 'm going to the country club look in
15 The need for short term care is therefore of paramount importance , yet this is a facility felt to be lacking throughout the country .
16 ‘ I 'll tell you what I 'm finding round the country day after day , ’ he shouted above the traffic .
17 ‘ We will be campaigning throughout the country on the theme ‘ the betrayal of Britain by the Conservative Party ’ , and saying the tax increases are merely to pay for mistakes of the past . ’
18 Since February , United Nations military and civilian personnel , who will make up the UNTAG ( United Nations Transitional Assistance Group ) peacekeeping forces , have been arriving in the country ready to monitor the ceasefire and elections .
19 You are talking about a country of power , privilege and class .
20 Former President Daniel Ortega Saavedra said that supporters of the former right-wing dictator Gen. Anastasio Somoza were returning to the country and attacking the FSLN .
21 That there was a that they were gon na be trailing behind the peasant movement and that how that they had to sort of get a hold over all the all the changes that were happening in the country .
22 Those who did go before 1560 were writing about a country which the English wanted to conquer .
23 ‘ They were writing about the country , but they were n't from it .
24 My father was in the army , we were living in the country , and she stayed and worked in London .
25 Under the astute leadership of its general secretary , Bruce Kent , it made room for the various local and single-issue groups that were mushrooming around the country .
26 Mike King , national officer of the Civil and Public Servants Union , told a fringe meeting that drugs were pouring into the country .
27 But in the 1880s a successful means of refrigerating meat cargoes was found , and within a few years Australian and Argentine beef , New Zealand lamb , and American pork were flooding into the country .
28 We were going to a country pub for lunch .
29 The several centuries of the ‘ Dark Ages ’ that followed the Roman withdrawal from Britain were a period in which peoples from northwest Germany and Denmark were coming into the country .
30 They were travelling along the country lanes by now , and the hum of the engine was soothing .
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