Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [that] she [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 And erm I 'm ho we 're hoping that she might
2 That 's a laugh ! she thought miserably , trying hard not to listen to the quiet voice at the back of her head which seemed to be suggesting that she might , even after all this time , still be in love with her husband .
3 She does love her job , but the family are hoping that she might give up , at last — we 've had enough worry .
4 ‘ As you realize , ’ he said , ‘ we have been thinking that she might have been murdered outside the City boundaries , and brought in on a meat barrow . ’
5 BACKERS are plunging on Oaks contender Yawl undeterred by trainer Barry Hills 's warning that she may miss the fillies ' Classic .
6 Because she 's saying that she ca n't make herself sick .
7 There was no other explanation for Ibn Fayoud 's insisting that she should n't ride Shine On .
8 Yes , I could tell from Aunt Nessy 's breathing that she would not recover consciousness ; nevertheless , before I crept out I did kiss her , just in case some little part of her , still aware , should feel it .
9 Celia Hooper-seated opposite him in just such a chair and situation , so that they resembled two bookends without intervening books — was suggesting that she should draw up a basic plan for the annual deanery party , which happened at Loxford Rectory after Easter , a get-together for all the priests of the deanery , eight of them , and their wives .
10 And now he was insinuating that she would be extending her stay long enough for a tour of the whole country !
11 She was deciding that she would go herself and have a secret talk with Matilda 's mother and father as soon as possible .
12 Xanthe , however , alarmed by the departure of her new-found friend , was practically clinging to Mrs Young and with an echo of the earlier hysteria was saying that she could n't possibly sleep in the private car , she would have nightmares , she would be too scared to stay , she was sure whoever had uncoupled the car before would do it again in the middle of the night , and they would all be killed when the Canadian crashed into them , because the Canadian was still there behind us , was n't it , was n't it ?
13 P.B. Chris was saying that she should be in on the interviewing .
14 Now he was insisting that she should give him the dress she was wearing to pay off the debt .
15 The knowledge of his affair still ate away at her , and it was knowing that she could never speak to him about the affair that hurt most .
16 Now , watching her , I thought that Fatima might , at this girl 's behest , change her life , her ways , and I wondered what she would do if she was hearing that she would find no husband , have no children , lose her life to Leviathan .
17 He was hoping that she would not be left alone after his death .
18 Yeah , Annette was hoping that she would n't have to work on Sunday .
19 With all her heart she was fearing that she might regret this decision .
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