Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [prep] her [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Those who are looking after her have a difficult task and it should not be made more difficult by being harassed by requests for information .
2 It seemed that Belov had only been waiting for her to ask .
3 Theodora replaced the mouthpiece and the telephone shrilled again as though it had been waiting for her to release its ring .
4 He had been waiting for her to go to bed .
5 It 's as if she is away staying somewhere , and we are waiting for her to come back , we can not do anything until she returns .
6 I 'm standing behind her feeling nice and cold and angry , but I let her ask the questions so I can see how this game is played .
7 Indeed , they seemed to be leaning over her to catch her every breath , closest by her panting mouth , reaching to her eyes , and the air was thick with poison sap and sharp with vomit .
8 But the pressure did n't help , and nor did the night air , nor any of the great machinery of circumstance that had , without her realising it , been combining against her to produce this moment .
9 Somewhere down below his neat , desperate parents were bellowing at her to stop but she was n't going to .
10 They were shouting at her to get on with it .
11 She was worried because she knew that the Copleys were waiting for her to cook lunch .
12 The bantams were waiting for her to let them out of their safe house .
13 We were counting on her coming with us today but she 'd already made plans to meet some friends in Times Square . ’
14 The two students who were watching over her told her very sensibly that if she tried to drive the car she 'd probably kill herself .
15 Police Insp Terry Knight said : ‘ We are appealing for her to contact us .
16 The bazaar drew nearer and nearer — and what a strange thing , McAllister thought , to be such a central part of her life , and she and Matey worked together now , in that , as in everything else , and Matey 's liking for her grew daily , for the eyes McAllister turned on him were always so full of love , and he was easy and happy with her , as he had not been since he was a boy before Africa and Angela Deverill 's betrayal .
17 Anne was sad at the death of the Misses Dolan but too much was happening for her to dwell on it .
18 All this was really good training for Dawn , as it was contributing to her becoming accustomed to being a ‘ captive ’ in the noisy world of humans .
19 I thought when I was looking at her talking and I thought , you 're a school mistress .
20 ‘ And Spain was a cosy hideaway for our export villains ; ergo , her boyfriend was waiting for her to join him on the Costa del Crook . ’
21 He was waiting for her to open the conversation , but his manner was so cold and distant that she found it difficult to begin .
22 She knew he was waiting for her to agree , and it was desperation , pure and simple , she thought , that made her remember the elegant blonde he had been dining with that particular night .
23 It was waiting for her to go .
24 Without saying anything further , he shifted his enormous shoulders more comfortably against the door-frame as though settled for the rest of the day , and moved his eyes to her mouth almost as though he was waiting for her to speak again , she thought , feeling thoroughly disgruntled .
25 Everyone was waiting for her to speak , to smile — to submit .
26 ‘ A little , ’ she admitted , and because she guessed he was waiting for her to flinch she became determined to show no sign of pain .
27 Maybe there was some difficulty about Lilian 's dress or he was waiting for her to get back from the hairdresser 's .
28 Some of her happiest hours were passed in making these costumes and she found that time flew by — it seemed she had barely started before her mother was calling for her to have her bath and go to bed .
29 More , that his other arm was coming about her to encircle her too .
30 Hugh was coming towards her carrying their tall eldest , whose arms and legs fell haphazardly like a doll 's while a long strip of green weed circled her ankle .
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