Example sentences of "be [det] part [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You are that part of me that I cut off , and I never have been and never shall be whole without you . ’
2 There always had been that part of him , rarely seen , that she did n't understand .
3 The legs are another part of your anatomy vulnerable to drying out .
4 A 750 delegate Conference Centre , a new Exhibition level at Olympia , new restaurants and now Earls Court 2 — a brand new 17,000 sq m hall — these are all part of our recent investment programme .
5 It may be that part of our role in the future — to use Michael Grade 's phrase — will be to keep everyone else honest — to make sure there is a commitment to telling those major stories that matter .
6 To introduce such a law in Britain would be ridiculous and would be another part of our personal freedom taken away .
7 The man who used to ride around Knockglen as if it were all part of his estate ; that was Eve 's grandfather , Major Charles Westward .
8 But so is that part of me that feels alien in this country , lonely behind my wall of defences , inarticulate in my deepest pain .
9 Is the part behind Reindeer Cottage , do people go on that now , or is that part of their garden ?
10 Is that is that part of your thirty six hectares ?
11 When a plaintiff is injured and as a result is paid no wages his immediate real loss is that part of his net earnings that were available for current expenditure .
12 This can take many forms , but the idea is that part of it is strapped around your backside ; this prevents the hook from riding up and allows you to take all the weight of the rig by sitting .
13 The biggest worry about Europe 's recession , however , is that part of it is the result of an erosion of competitiveness that will burden Europe for years to come .
14 ‘ Where 's that part in mine ? ’ he said jealously , rattling the pages .
15 Is this part of your er , course at college ?
16 There is a part of him which always loved the soft life of the Brazilian beaches , the sun , the sea , the sport , the girls ; and there is another part of him that is quite ruthless , highly organized , very self-promoting and ambitious .
17 But the war is another part of my story .
18 For it may well be that in America , it is all part of what is considered good professional service that an employee provide entertaining banter .
19 It is all part of our input into the world .
20 Our priesthood is a continuation of the old pre-Reformation church and is all part of our inheritance .
21 Many of you , I know , believe Smott 's substitution after four minutes was because he was out of his depth , but I can assure you it is all part of my master plan which I am painstakingly developing on a game-by-game basis .
22 Or should I and this is all part of it is n't it ?
23 Chris Patten was saying that he ca n't actually put a figure on how much all of this is likely to cost because he 's still in the middle of the public sector borrowing grant and , this is all part of his negotiation with the Treasury , but do you think he has actually lost the battle with the Treasury .
24 ‘ No , it 's all part of me plans , it 's all or nothing , ’ he said .
25 It 's all part of her campaign to change public attitudes to the illness .
26 It 's all part of their game to keep us guessing .
27 It 's all part of their efforts to build a better and more rewarding career for themselves .
28 Oh it 's all part of their er their project .
29 ‘ It 's all part of whatever it was .
30 It 's all part of our great series of free contests to show what life would be like if you landed the jackpot .
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