Example sentences of "be [vb pp] by the next " in BNC.

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1 However , with an analogue signal , distortion and noise which are inevitably introduced by the repeater would be amplified by the next one together with the signal itself .
2 These release nitrogen into the soil as they rot which can be used by the next crop .
3 ( Thank heavens calories are cumulative , and the damage done one day can be countermanded by the next .
4 The selection still has to be approved by the next full meeting of the constituency association but the chairwomen , Ms Anne Peck , said last night that this appeared to be a formality .
5 For the province will be affected by the next Labour government 's policies just as much as the rest of the UK .
6 So into the garage the car went to have the seats changed — under warranty , of course — and the ‘ bad ’ pair couriered to Courtaulds for full forensic examination , results of which will be known by the next Running Report .
7 NEIL KINNOCK yesterday set investment in education and training as his top priority : the ‘ commanding height ’ to be scaled by the next Labour government .
8 The chickens would all be cooked by the next afternoon and allowed to cool on the pantry 's cold slabs .
9 As control families were traced through their general practitioner with the facilities offered by the central register , families who emigrated before the study began ( five ) and those whose current family health services authority was not recorded ( five ) or incorrectly recorded ( 11 ) were replaced by the next eligible control in the series .
10 They stayed quite still , smiling back at it , until it disappeared with a plop , leaving ripples of disturbance that were erased by the next wave .
11 And the only marks of their passage have been obliterated by the next generation .
12 And the only marks of their passage have been obliterated by the next generation .
13 In an interview last week on the French radio station France Inter 's RadioCom program , Alcatel Alsthom NV president Pierre Suard indicated he did not rule out taking a stake in France Telecom if the latter is privatised by the next administration : ‘ I do n't think the question has been posed today , but when it is , I can tell you that we will study it very seriously , ’ Suard said — ‘ It is essential that France Telecom has a structure that enables it to extend itself beyond France and I think that can come from a new shareholder ; there is industrial logic in the ‘ world 's number one manufacturer of telecommunications equipment ’ owning a stake in a telecommunications operator , ’ he added — ‘ It is the Anglo-Saxon logic ; AT&T is constructed on that basis , but up to now , it has not been European logic , ’ he said .
14 The mention of suspension is of interest : that the cause of it — truancy — is not only a 20th century phenomenon is shown by the next paragraph of the Report : " The parent of George Highton who had been suspended on account of frequent absence attended by order of the Deputation and stated that he had 3 boys in the School and that the one complained of was so refractory as to be beyond his management and would not attend as he should , frequently persuading his Brothers to follow his example and having gone into service he wished him to be dismissed , which was done , and the parent was informed that if the other two were not more regular in their attendance they would also be discharged . "
15 Further evidence for schemata is provided by the next task .
16 If washing can be repetitious in this way , a counterbalancing image is suggested by the next quotation from the interview with a supermarket manager 's wife :
17 Obvious , perhaps , but it would be a serious mistake to think that the lessons will have been learnt by the next bull market .
18 Ayliffe chaired the committee which produced the draft of the new constitution which was adopted by the next Congress in Birmingham in 1922 .
19 It brought to an end the era of amphibians and it was introduced by the next great group to appear , the reptiles .
20 km ) of Iraqi territory in the north , this was followed by the next attacks due in the Val Fajr series , Nos 5 and 6 , both in the centre , and Val Fajr No 6 partly in the south .
21 Further gloom was cast by the next piece of information .
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