Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Their associations and less formal networks are adjusted to centralisation because that is what they have grown up with .
2 Does he agree that it would be an act of the most amazing folly to tamper with the provisions that currently apply , and yet that is exactly what the Opposition are committed to doing if they win the general election ?
3 Chives are amongst the most well-known of culinary herbs , and their delicate onion flavour has been added to food where the stronger onion would overwhelm everything else , for hundreds of years .
4 His whole system had been stirred to nausea as he relinquished power to the sight of her .
5 When marketing principles are applied to distribution as opposed to production , further positive results may be observed .
6 The tradition that stone circles and standing stones are human beings who have been turned to stone because of some misdemeanour is widespread and seems to point to some memory of the ritual use of these sites in ancient times .
7 It may be that people are drawn to journalism because of this negativity — the chance to cut everyone else down to size to make themselves feel better .
8 It was as if events had conspired to make her forget Ascot , Pendero , the fact that the most important person in her world had been clubbed to death because he wanted to save her from the fate that he had suffered .
9 He had been driven to distraction when the five-month-old girl would not settle and struck her , causing extensive bruising , the Court of Session heard .
10 But particular abnormalities in biochemistry have been linked to schizophrenia since it was first discovered that hallucinatory drugs could induce a psychosis .
11 Much of the training done by the family members had been linked to machinery as the sons carried out this work on the farm .
12 He seemed resigned to this twist of fate that the first calf to be born into his stable for two years had been brought to life before it was ready , before the winter was even through .
13 I heard them say that she had been brought to hospital because her belly was still full of urine . ’
14 The Church should now recognise the priority which needs to be given to music if the impoverishment of services is not going to continue .
15 Children — Care proceedings — Threshold conditions — Child in voluntary care placed with foster parents — Child previously at risk with mother — Local authority seeking care order — Whether condition that child ‘ is suffering ’ significant harm satisfied — Whether harm attributable to care given or likely to be given to child if order not made — Children Act 1989 ( c. 41 ) , s. 31(2)
16 Her sister , Khieu Ponnary , is married to Pol Pot , and was influential in the 1975 government , but is now understood to be confined to hospital because of mental illness .
17 C&P are currently calculating that their cost of non-conformance could be as high as £400m or 10 per cent of turnover — a sum which could , in theory , be added to profitability if the various defective jobs were only done right , first time .
18 A relational flagger may be added to flag when a developer is leaving the relational subset , but Beech believes there is no inconsistency between the two basic models .
19 These can be made to measure if required , but some , such as spirals and the straight stairway , can be bought as kits for you to assemble yourself .
20 Menstrual disorders have been found to be related to obesity as well as to a predominance of fat in the abdominal region .
21 Leisure complexes , holiday homes , new towns , barn conversions , roads , open cast mining , the Channel Tunnel link and fish farms … the face of Britain 's countryside is changing , and could be trampled to unrecognition if the developers have their way .
22 Princess could be dragged to court as libel witness
23 As John Maynard-Smith knows , I 've always been , in a less expert way than he , a Darwinist and I 've always felt , and you exemplified that tonight , I think , John , the beauty if the situation was that these profound theories corresponded with what a man of good sense , rationality , unswayed by prejudice and emotion , would be bound to belief when faced with the evidence .
24 That is , people writing in the eighteenth century that th you know um it was appropriate for kids to be introduced to sex when they were around y'know sort of seven or eight or something in some cases .
25 Darwin 's theory emphasized the interaction between organisms and their environment and made it clear that species could be driven to extinction when the conditions to which they were exposed changed too rapidly for them to cope .
26 One mother said she believed their sons ' kidnappers will never be brought to justice because ‘ justice when imparted to the poor is only in the form of punishment ’ .
27 In the widely-read Saints ' Lives of the period , sinners are frequently struck with madness , to be restored to sanity when they have repented and been absolved .
28 All module names must be unique throughout LIFESPAN and must be known to LIFESPAN before you can use them .
29 All module names must be unique throughout LIFESPAN and must be known to LIFESPAN before they can be used .
30 All module names must be unique throughout LIFESPAN and must be known to LIFESPAN before they can be used .
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